
Norio Kuji

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5EENorio Kuji, Takako Ishihara: EB-Testing-Pad Method and Its Evaluation by Actual Devices. Asian Test Symposium 2001: 179-184
4EENorio Kuji: Guided-Probe Diagnosis of Macro-Cell-Designed LSI Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 1997: 174-
3 Norio Kuji, Teruo Tamama: An Automated F-Beam Tester with CAD Interface, "Finder": A Powerful Tool for Fault Diagnosis of ASICs. ITC 1986: 857-863
2EENorio Kuji, Teruo Tamama, M. Nagatani: FINDER: A CAD System-Based Electron Beam Tester for Fault Diagnosis of VLSI Circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(2): 313-319 (1986)
1 Norio Kuji, Teruo Tamama: Automated Fault Diagnostic EB Tester and Its Application to a 40K-Gate VLSI Circuit. ITC 1985: 643-651

Coauthor Index

1Takako Ishihara [5]
2M. Nagatani [2]
3Teruo Tamama [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)