
Andreas Kugel

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14EEGerhard Lienhart, Guillermo Marcus Martinez, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer: Rapid Design of Special-Purpose Pipeline Processors with FPGAs and its Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics. FCCM 2006: 301-302
13EEGuillermo Marcus Martinez, Gerhard Lienhart, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer: On Buffer Management Strategies for High Performance Computing with Reconfigurable Hardware. FPL 2006: 1-6
12EEGerhard Lienhart, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer: Rapid development of high performance floating-point pipelines for scientific simulation. IPDPS 2006
11EEChristian Hinkelbein, Andrei Khomich, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Matthias Müller: Using an FPGA coprocessor for improving execution speed of TRT-LUT: one of the feature extraction algorithms for ATLAS LVL2 trigger. FPGA 2004: 247
10EEChristian Hinkelbein, Andrei Khomich, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Matthias Müller: Using of FPGA Coprocessor for Improving the Execution Speed of the Pattern Recognition Algorithm for ATLAS - High Energy Physics Experiment. FPL 2004: 791-800
9EEGerhard Lienhart, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer: Using Floating-Point Arithmetic on FPGAs to Accelerate Scientific N-Body Simulations. FCCM 2002: 182-
8EEStefan Hezel, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Dariu Gavrila: FPGA-Based Template Matching Using Distance Transforms. FCCM 2002: 89-97
7EEChristian Hinkelbein, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Matthias Müller: Reconfigurable Hardware Control Software. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2002: 84-91
6EEOliver Brosch, Jürgen Hesser, Christian Hinkelbein, Klaus Kornmesser, Torsten Kuberka, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Holger Singpiel, Bernd Vettermann: ATLANTIS - A Hybrid FPGA/RISC Based Re-configurable System. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 890-897
5EEKlaus Kornmesser, Torsten Kuberka, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Stephan Rühl, M. Sessler, Holger Singpiel: ATLANTIS - A Hybrid Approach Combining the Power of FPGA and RISC Processors Based on CompactPCI. FPGA 1999: 245
4 Torsten Kuberka, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Holger Singpiel, R. Spurzem, R. Klessen: AHA-GRAPE: Adaptive Hydrodynamic Architecture-GRAvity PipE. FPL 1999: 417-424
3 Torsten Kuberka, Andreas Kugel, Reinhard Männer, Holger Singpiel, R. Spurzem: AHA-GRAPE: Adaptive Hydrodynamic Architecture - GRAvity PipE. PDPTA 1999: 1189-1195
2EEAndreas Kugel, Klaus Kornmesser, R. Lay, J. Ludvig, Reinhard Männer, K. H. Noffz, Stephan Rühl, M. Sessler, Harald Simmler, Holger Singpiel: 50 kHz Pattern Recognition on the Large FPGA Processor Enable++. FCCM 1998: 262-
1 H. Högl, Andreas Kugel, J. Ludvig, Reinhard Männer, K. H. Noffz, R. Zoz: Enable ++: A Second Generation FPGA Processor. FCCM 1995: 45-55

Coauthor Index

1Oliver Brosch [6]
2Dariu Gavrila (Dariu M. Gavrila) [8]
3Jürgen Hesser [6]
4Stefan Hezel [8]
5Christian Hinkelbein [6] [7] [10] [11]
6H. Högl [1]
7Andrei Khomich [10] [11]
8R. Klessen [4]
9Klaus Kornmesser [2] [5] [6]
10Torsten Kuberka [3] [4] [5] [6]
11R. Lay [2]
12Gerhard Lienhart [9] [12] [13] [14]
13J. Ludvig [1] [2]
14Reinhard Männer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
15Guillermo Marcus Martinez [13] [14]
16Matthias Müller [7] [10] [11]
17K. H. Noffz [1] [2]
18Stephan Rühl [2] [5]
19M. Sessler [2] [5]
20Harald Simmler [2]
21Holger Singpiel [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
22R. Spurzem [3] [4]
23Bernd Vettermann [6]
24R. Zoz [1]

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