2008 |
45 | EE | Andre Pohl,
Heiko Krumm,
Felix Holland,
Franz-Josef Stewing,
Ingo Lück:
Service-Orientation and Flexible Service Binding in Distributed Automation and Control Systems.
AINA Workshops 2008: 1393-1398 |
44 | EE | João Porto de Albuquerque,
Heiko Krumm,
Paulo Lício de Geus:
Model-based management of security services in complex network environments.
NOMS 2008: 1031-1036 |
2006 |
43 | EE | Stefan Illner,
Heiko Krumm,
Ingo Lück,
Andre Pohl,
Andreas Bobek,
Hendrik Bohn,
Frank Golatowski:
Model-based Management of Embedded Service Systems - An Applied Approach.
AINA (2) 2006: 519-523 |
2005 |
42 | EE | João Porto de Albuquerque,
Holger Isenberg,
Heiko Krumm,
Paulo Lício de Geus:
Improving the Configuration Management of Large Network Security Systems.
DSOM 2005: 36-47 |
41 | EE | João Porto de Albuquerque,
Heiko Krumm,
Paulo Lício de Geus:
On Scalability and Modularisation in the Modelling of Network Security Systems.
ESORICS 2005: 287-304 |
40 | EE | Gerrit Rothmaier,
Heiko Krumm:
A Framework Based Approach for Formal Modeling and Analysis of Multi-level Attacks in Computer Networks.
FORTE 2005: 247-260 |
39 | | João Porto de Albuquerque,
Heiko Krumm,
Paulo Lício de Geus:
Modellierung von Netzsicherheitsystemen umfangreicher vernetzter IT-Infrastrukturen.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 633-637 |
38 | EE | João Porto de Albuquerque,
Heiko Krumm,
Paulo Lício de Geus:
Policy Modeling and Refinement for Network Security Systems.
POLICY 2005: 24-33 |
37 | | Stefan Illner,
Heiko Krumm,
Andre Pohl,
Ingo Lück,
Darius Manka,
Thomas Sparenberg:
Policy Controlled Automated Management of Distributed and Embedded Service Systems.
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2005: 710-715 |
36 | EE | Gerrit Rothmaier,
Tobias Kneiphoff,
Heiko Krumm:
Using SPIN and Eclipse for Optimized High-Level Modeling and Analysis of Computer Network Attack Models.
SPIN 2005: 236-250 |
35 | | Gerrit Rothmaier,
Heiko Krumm:
Formale Modellierung und Analyse protokollbasierter Angriffe in TCP/IP Netzwerken am Beispiel von ARP und RIP.
Sicherheit 2005: 77-88 |
2004 |
34 | | Peter Herrmann,
Lars Wiebusch,
Heiko Krumm:
Vertrauensbasierte Laufzeitüberwachung verteilter komponentenstrukturierter E-Commerce-Software.
DIMVA 2004: 55-70 |
33 | | Gerrit Rothmaier,
Andre Pohl,
Heiko Krumm:
Analyzing Network Management Effects with SPIN and cTLA.
SEC 2004: 65-82 |
2002 |
32 | | Peter Herrmann,
Lars Wiebusch,
Heiko Krumm:
State-Based Security Policy Enforcement in Component-Based E-Commerce Applications.
I3E 2002: 195-209 |
31 | EE | Ingo Lück,
Sebastian Vogel,
Heiko Krumm:
Model-based configuration of VPNs.
NOMS 2002: 589-602 |
30 | | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm,
Olaf Drögehorn,
Walter Geisselhardt:
Framework and Tool Support for Formal Verification of Highspeed Transfer Protocol Designs.
Telecommunication Systems 20(3-4): 291-310 (2002) |
2001 |
29 | | Peter Herrmann,
Lars Wiebusch,
Heiko Krumm:
Tool-Assisted Security Assessment of Distributed Applications.
DAIS 2001: 289-294 |
28 | EE | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Trust-Adapted Enforcement of Security Policies in Distributed Component-Structured Applications.
ISCC 2001: 2-8 |
27 | EE | Ingo Lück,
Christian Schäfer,
Heiko Krumm:
Model-Based Tool-Assistance for Packet-Filter Design.
POLICY 2001: 120-136 |
2000 |
26 | EE | Günter Graw,
Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Verification of UML-Based Real-Time System Designs by Means of cTLA.
ISORC 2000: 86-95 |
25 | EE | Hartmut König,
Peter Langendörfer,
Heiko Krumm:
Improving the efficiency of automated protocol implementations using a configurable FDT compiler.
Computer Communications 23(12): 1179-1195 (2000) |
24 | EE | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
A framework for modeling transfer protocols.
Computer Networks 34(2): 317-337 (2000) |
1999 |
23 | | Michael Wimmers,
Arnulf Mester,
Heiko Krumm:
A Component framework for the configuration management of networks.
DAIS 1999: 135-148 |
22 | | Günter Graw,
Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Constraint-oriented formal modelling of OO-systems.
DAIS 1999: 345- |
21 | EE | Ingo Lück,
Marcus Schönbach,
Arnulf Mester,
Heiko Krumm:
Derivation of Backup Service Management Applications from Service and System Models.
DSOM 1999: 243-256 |
20 | | Günter Graw,
Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Composing Object-Oriented Specifications and Verifications with cTLA.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 318 |
19 | EE | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Formal Hazard Analysis of Hybrid Systems in cTLA.
SRDS 1999: 68-77 |
1998 |
18 | EE | Volker Gruhn,
Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
User-Defined Telecooperation Services.
ICPADS 1998: 590-598 |
17 | EE | Peter Herrmann,
Günter Graw,
Heiko Krumm:
Compositional Specification and Structured Verification of Hybrid Systems in cTLA.
ISORC 1998: 335- |
16 | | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Modular specification and verification of XTP.
Telecommunication Systems 9(2): 207-221 (1998) |
1997 |
15 | | Arnulf Mester,
Heiko Krumm:
Formal Behavioural Patterns for the Tool-assisted Design of Distributed Applications.
DAIS 1997 |
1996 |
14 | EE | Günter Graw,
Volker Gruhn,
Heiko Krumm:
Support of cooperating and distributed business processes.
ICPADS 1996: 22- |
13 | | Carsten Heyl,
Arnulf Mester,
Heiko Krumm:
cTc - A Tool Supporting the Construction of cTLA-Specifications.
TACAS 1996: 407-411 |
12 | | Hartmut König,
Heiko Krumm:
Implementierung von Kommunikationsprotokollen.
Informatik Spektrum 19(6): 316-325 (1996) |
1995 |
11 | | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Re-usable verification elements for high-speed transfer protocol configurations.
PSTV 1995: 171-186 |
1994 |
10 | | Peter Herrmann,
Heiko Krumm:
Compositional specification and verification of high-speed transfer protocols.
PSTV 1994: 339-346 |
1990 |
9 | | Heiko Krumm:
Funktionelle Analyse von Kommunikationsprotokollen
Springer 1990 |
1989 |
8 | | Heiko Krumm:
Projections of the Reachability Graph and Environment Models.
Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 89-96 |
1987 |
7 | | Heiko Krumm:
Offener Zugang zu abgesetzten Daten im Bürosystem.
GI Jahrestagung 1987: 150-162 |
6 | | Heiko Krumm:
Logische Verifikation nebenläufiger Programme.
Angewandte Informatik 29(4): 131-140 (1987) |
1986 |
5 | | Heiko Krumm,
Oswald Drobnik:
Problem-Oriented Logical Specifications of Communication Services and Protocols.
ICCC 1986: 474-478 |
1984 |
4 | | Heiko Krumm,
Oswald Drobnik:
Transformation of Constructive Specifications of Services and Protocols into the Logical Language of CIL.
PSTV 1984: 31-45 |
3 | EE | Heiko Krumm,
Oswald Drobnik:
Interactive verification of communication software on the basis of CIL.
Computer Communication Review 14(2): 92-99 (1984) |
1983 |
2 | | Oswald Drobnik,
Heiko Krumm:
CIL - Eine Sprache zur Implementierung von Kommunikationsdiensten.
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1983: 301-315 |
1 | | Heiko Krumm,
Oswald Drobnik:
Specification, Implementation, and Verification of Communication Services on the Basis of CIL.
Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification 1983: 301-316 |