
Gerrit Rothmaier

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4EEGerrit Rothmaier, Heiko Krumm: A Framework Based Approach for Formal Modeling and Analysis of Multi-level Attacks in Computer Networks. FORTE 2005: 247-260
3EEGerrit Rothmaier, Tobias Kneiphoff, Heiko Krumm: Using SPIN and Eclipse for Optimized High-Level Modeling and Analysis of Computer Network Attack Models. SPIN 2005: 236-250
2 Gerrit Rothmaier, Heiko Krumm: Formale Modellierung und Analyse protokollbasierter Angriffe in TCP/IP Netzwerken am Beispiel von ARP und RIP. Sicherheit 2005: 77-88
1 Gerrit Rothmaier, Andre Pohl, Heiko Krumm: Analyzing Network Management Effects with SPIN and cTLA. SEC 2004: 65-82

Coauthor Index

1Tobias Kneiphoff [3]
2Heiko Krumm [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Andre Pohl [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)