
Walter Geisselhardt

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12EEWalter Geisselhardt, Taswar Iqbal: High-Capacity Invisible Background Encoding for Digital Authentication of Hardcopy Documents. IWDW 2007: 203-221
11EENatasa Terzija, Walter Geisselhardt: A Novel Synchronisation Approach for Digital Image Watermarking Based on Scale Invariant Feature Point Detector. ICIP 2006: 2585-2588
10EENatasa Terzija, Walter Geisselhardt: Digital image watermarking using complex wavelet transform. MM&Sec 2004: 193-198
9EEStephan Recker, Heinz Lüdiger, Walter Geisselhardt: Dynamic Adaptation of Virtual Network Capacity for Deterministic Service Guarantees. QoS-IP 2003: 689-703
8EENatasa Terzija, Walter Geisselhardt: Robust Digital Image Watermarking Method based on Discrete Fourier Transform. SIP 2003: 55-60
7 Peter Herrmann, Heiko Krumm, Olaf Drögehorn, Walter Geisselhardt: Framework and Tool Support for Formal Verification of Highspeed Transfer Protocol Designs. Telecommunication Systems 20(3-4): 291-310 (2002)
6 Olaf Drögehorn, Oliver Terhorst, Heinz-Dieter Hümmer, Walter Geisselhardt: Formal Specification and Verification of Communication-Systems for designing in VHDL. FBT 1999: 45-54
5EEHans-Dieter Kochs, Walter Geisselhardt, Holger Hilmer, M. Lenord: Fault-Tolerant Communication in Large-Scale Manipulators. SAFECOMP 1998: 254-266
4EEJuergen Prang, Heinz-Dieter Hümmer, Walter Geisselhardt: A system for simulation, monitoring and diagnosis of controlled continuous processes with slow dynamics. Knowl.-Based Syst. 9(8): 525-530 (1996)
3EEMehrdad Mojtahedi, Walter Geisselhardt: New methods for parallel pattern fast fault simulation for synchronous sequential circuits. ICCAD 1993: 2-5
2 Walter Geisselhardt: Minimal-Testsätze zur Erkennung und zur Lokalisierung von Einzelfehlern in Schaltnetzen. Elektronische Rechenanlagen 15(4): 165-170 (1973)
1 Walter Geisselhardt: Rechteckferritkerne als Analogspeicherelemente für Matrixspeicher. Elektronische Rechenanlagen 11(5): 275-283 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1Olaf Drögehorn (Olaf Droegehorn) [6] [7]
2Peter Herrmann [7]
3Holger Hilmer [5]
4Heinz-Dieter Hümmer [4] [6]
5Taswar Iqbal [12]
6Hans-Dieter Kochs [5]
7Heiko Krumm [7]
8M. Lenord [5]
9Heinz Lüdiger [9]
10Mehrdad Mojtahedi [3]
11Juergen Prang [4]
12Stephan Recker [9]
13Oliver Terhorst [6]
14Natasa Terzija [8] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)