
Franz-Josef Stewing

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6EEAndre Pohl, Heiko Krumm, Felix Holland, Franz-Josef Stewing, Ingo Lück: Service-Orientation and Flexible Service Binding in Distributed Automation and Control Systems. AINA Workshops 2008: 1393-1398
5 Achim Manz-Bothe, Mathias Hehn, Franz-Josef Stewing: Plattformunabhängige Überwachung von verteilten IT-System auf Basis von Java. DFN Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2001: 237-243
4EEJörg Korzonnek, Elke Radeke, Franz-Josef Stewing: Establishing Enterprise Networks Through Global Engineering Networking, GEN. ECBS 1999: 203-209
3EEIvor Faux, Elke Radeke, Franz-Josef Stewing, Ger v. d. Broek, Pieter Kesteloot, Andreas Sabin: Intelligent Access, Publishing and Collaboration in Global Engineering Networking. Computer Networks 30(13): 1249-1262 (1998)
2 Ger v. d. Broek, Franz-Josef Stewing: Working Together While Being S-e-p-a-r-a-t-e-d. WebNet 1997
1 Maria Brielmann, Elisabeth Kupitz, David Mallon, Franz-Josef Stewing, Norbert Weißenberg: A Common Data Schema for Tool Integration. Rechnerunterstütztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren (CAD) 1992: 127-140

Coauthor Index

1Maria Brielmann [1]
2Ger v. d. Broek [2] [3]
3Ivor Faux [3]
4Mathias Hehn [5]
5Felix Holland [6]
6Pieter Kesteloot [3]
7Jörg Korzonnek [4]
8Heiko Krumm [6]
9Elisabeth Kupitz [1]
10Ingo Lück [6]
11David Mallon [1]
12Achim Manz-Bothe [5]
13Andre Pohl [6]
14Elke Radeke [3] [4]
15Andreas Sabin [3]
16Norbert Weißenberg [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)