
Takeshi Kojima

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4EETakeshi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Kojima, Tadamasa Koyanagi: Behavior of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells under light/damp heat over time. Microelectronics Reliability 44(2): 229-235 (2004)
3EETakeshi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Kojima: The stability of the CuInSe2 solar mini-module I-V characteristics under continuous and light/dark irradiation cycle tests. Microelectronics Reliability 43(3): 503-507 (2003)
2EETakeshi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Kojima: Degradation of InGaN blue light-emitting diodes under continuous and low-speed pulse operations. Microelectronics Reliability 43(6): 977-980 (2003)
1EETakeshi Yanagisawa, Takeshi Kojima, Tadamasa Koyanagi, Kiyoshi Takahisa, Kuniomi Nakamura: Changes in the characteristics of CuInGaSe2 solar cells under light irradiation and during recovery: degradation analysis by the feeble light measuring method. Microelectronics Reliability 42(2): 219-223 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Tadamasa Koyanagi [1] [4]
2Kuniomi Nakamura [1]
3Kiyoshi Takahisa [1]
4Takeshi Yanagisawa [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)