
K. R. S. Kodagoda

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7EEK. R. S. Kodagoda, Alen Alempijevic, James Patrick Underwood, Suresh Kumar, Gamini Dissanayake: Sensor Registration and Calibration using Moving Targets. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
6EEK. R. S. Kodagoda, Wijerupage Sardha Wijesoma, Arjuna P. Balasuriya: Road feature extraction using a 2D LMS. ICARCV 2002: 453-458
5EEW. Sardha Wijesoma, K. R. S. Kodagoda, Arjuna P. Balasuriya: A laser and a camera for mobile robot navigation. ICARCV 2002: 740-745
4EEW. Sardha Wijesoma, K. R. S. Kodagoda, Eam Khwang Teoh: Stable Fuzzy State Space Controller for Lateral Control of an AGV. VLSI Signal Processing 32(1-2): 189-201 (2002)
3EEW. Sardha Wijesoma, K. R. S. Kodagoda: Experimental Evaluation of Fuzzy Controllers for an Outdoor AGV. Fuzzy Days 2001: 103-117
2 K. R. S. Kodagoda, W. Sardha Wijesoma, Eam Khwang Teoh: Robust Un-coupled Fuzzy Controller for Longitudinal and Lateral Control of an AGV. Fuzzy Days 1999: 370-381
1 W. Sardha Wijesoma, K. R. S. Kodagoda: Synthesis of Stable Fuzzy PD/PID Control Laws for Robotic Manipulators from a Variable Structure System Standpoint. Fuzzy Days 1999: 495-511

Coauthor Index

1Alen Alempijevic [7]
2Arjuna P. Balasuriya [5] [6]
3Gamini Dissanayake [7]
4Suresh Kumar [7]
5Eam Khwang Teoh [2] [4]
6James Patrick Underwood [7]
7W. Sardha Wijesoma (Wijerupage Sardha Wijesoma) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)