
Hyeong-Seok Ko

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26EEDoyub Kim, Oh-Young Song, Hyeong-Seok Ko: A Semi-Lagrangian CIP Fluid Solver without Dimensional Splitting. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(2): 467-475 (2008)
25EEIg-Jae Kim, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Intuitive quasi-eigen faces. GRAPHITE 2007: 33-38
24EEIg-Jae Kim, Hyeong-Seok Ko: 3D Lip-Synch Generation with Data-Faithful Machine Learning. Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 295-301 (2007)
23EEMin Gyu Choi, Seung Yong Woo, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Real-Time Simulation of Thin Shells. Comput. Graph. Forum 26(3): 349-354 (2007)
22EEOh-Young Song, Doyub Kim, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Derivative Particles for Simulating Detailed Movements of Fluids. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(4): 711-719 (2007)
21EEHyeong-Seok Ko, Daniel Cohen-Or, Demetri Terzopoulos, Joe D. Warren: Special Issue: PG2004. Graphical Models 68(4): 323 (2006)
20EEOh-Young Song, Hyuncheol Shin, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Stable but nondissipative water. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(1): 81-97 (2005)
19EESeyoon Tak, Hyeong-Seok Ko: A physically-based motion retargeting filter. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(1): 98-117 (2005)
18EEKwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Research problems in clothing simulation. Computer-Aided Design 37(6): 585-592 (2005)
17EEMin Gyu Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Modal Warping: Real-Time Simulation of Large Rotational Deformation and Manipulation. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(1): 91-101 (2005)
16EEByoungwon Choe, Hyeong-Seok Ko: A Statistical Wisp Model and Pseudophysical Approaches for InteractiveHairstyle Generation. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(2): 160-170 (2005)
15EESeyoon Tak, Oh-Young Song, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Spacetime Sweeping: An Interactive Dynamic Constraints Solver. CA 2002: 261-270
14EEKwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Stable but responsive cloth. SIGGRAPH 2002: 604-611
13EEKwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Stable but responsive cloth. ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 604-611 (2002)
12 Hyeong-Seok Ko: Editorial. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 13(2): (2002)
11EEHyeong-Seok Ko, Norman I. Badler: The International Workshop on Human Modeling and Animation in Graphical Models. Graphical Models 63(2): 65 (2001)
10EEDoo-Won Lee, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Natural Hairstyle Modeling and Animation. Graphical Models 63(2): 67-85 (2001)
9 Byoungwon Choe, Hanook Lee, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Performance-driven muscle-based facial animation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 12(2): 67-79 (2001)
8EEEung-Seok Lee, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Vertex Data Compression for Triangular Meshes. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 225-234
7 Seyoon Tak, Oh-Young Song, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Motion Balance Filtering. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000)
6 Kwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Online motion retargetting. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 11(5): 223-235 (2000)
5EEKwang-Jin Choi, Hyeong-Seok Ko: On-line Motion Retargetting. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1999: 32-42
4 Kwang-Jin Choi, Sang-Hyun Park, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Processing Motion Capture Data to Achieve Positional Accuracy. Graphical Models and Image Processing 61(5): 260-273 (1999)
3 Dongryeol Kim, Jinsoo Kim, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Unification of Distance and Volume Optimization in Surface Simplification. Graphical Models and Image Processing 61(6): 363-367 (1999)
2EEJames F. Cremer, Joseph K. Kearney, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Simulation and scenario support for virtual environments. Computers & Graphics 20(2): 199-206 (1996)
1 Hyeong-Seok Ko, James F. Cremer: VRLOCO: Real-Time Human Locomotion from Positional Input Streams. Presence 5(4): 367-380 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Norman I. Badler [11]
2Byoungwon Choe [9] [16]
3Kwang-Jin Choi [4] [5] [6] [13] [14] [18]
4Min Gyu Choi [17] [23]
5Daniel Cohen-Or [21]
6James F. Cremer [1] [2]
7Joseph K. Kearney [2]
8Dongryeol Kim [3]
9Doyub Kim [22] [26]
10Ig-Jae Kim [24] [25]
11Jinsoo Kim [3]
12Doo-Won Lee [10]
13Eung-Seok Lee [8]
14Hanook Lee [9]
15Sang-Hyun Park [4]
16Hyuncheol Shin [20]
17Oh-Young Song [7] [15] [20] [22] [26]
18Seyoon Tak [7] [15] [19]
19Demetri Terzopoulos [21]
20Joe D. Warren [21]
21Seung Yong Woo [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)