
James F. Cremer

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13EEBenjamin Chihak, Sabarish Babu, Timofey Grechkin, Christine Ziemer, James F. Cremer, Joseph K. Kearney, Jodie M. Plumert: How do bicyclists intercept moving gaps in a virtual environment? APGV 2008: 188
12EEChristine Ziemer, Jodie M. Plumert, James F. Cremer, Joseph K. Kearney: Making distance judgments in real and virtual environments: does order make a difference? APGV 2006: 153
11EEJuw Won Park, James F. Cremer, Alberto Maria Segre: Visual exploration of genetic likelihood space. SAC 2006: 1335-1340
10EEJodie M. Plumert, Joseph K. Kearney, James F. Cremer, Kara Recker: Distance perception in real and virtual environments. TAP 2(3): 216-233 (2005)
9EEJodie M. Plumert, Joseph K. Kearney, James F. Cremer: Distance perception in real and virtual environments. APGV 2004: 27-34
8 Hongling Wang, Joseph K. Kearney, James F. Cremer, Peter Willemsen: Steering Autonomous Driving Agents Through Intersections in Virtual Urban Environments. MSV/AMCS 2004: 10-16
7EEYefei He, James F. Cremer, Yiannis E. Papelis: Real-Time Extendible-Resolution Display of On-line Dynamic Terrain. Graphics Interface 2002: 151-160
6 Min-Hyung Choi, James F. Cremer: Geometrically-Aware Interactive Object Manipulation. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(1): 65-76 (2000)
5 Min-Hyung Choi, James F. Cremer: Geometric Awareness for Interactive Object Manipulation. Graphics Interface 1999: 9-17
4 Min-Hyung Choi, James F. Cremer: Interactive Manipulation of Articulated Objects with Geometry Awareness. ICRA 1999: 592-
3EEJames F. Cremer, Joseph K. Kearney, Hyeong-Seok Ko: Simulation and scenario support for virtual environments. Computers & Graphics 20(2): 199-206 (1996)
2 Hyeong-Seok Ko, James F. Cremer: VRLOCO: Real-Time Human Locomotion from Positional Input Streams. Presence 5(4): 367-380 (1996)
1EEJames F. Cremer, Joseph K. Kearney, Yiannis E. Papelis: HCSM: A Framework for Behavior and Scenario in Virtual Environments. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 5(3): 242-267 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Sabarish Babu [13]
2Benjamin Chihak [13]
3Min-Hyung Choi [4] [5] [6]
4Timofey Grechkin [13]
5Yefei He [7]
6Joseph K. Kearney [1] [3] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
7Hyeong-Seok Ko [2] [3]
8Yiannis E. Papelis [1] [7]
9Juw Won Park [11]
10Jodie M. Plumert [9] [10] [12] [13]
11Kara Recker [10]
12Alberto Maria Segre [11]
13Hongling Wang [8]
14Peter Willemsen [8]
15Christine Ziemer [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)