
John P. Knight

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13EEFred Ma, John P. Knight, Calvin Plett: Physical resource binding for a coarse-grain reconfigurable array using evolutionary algorithms. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(5): 553-563 (2005)
12 Fred Ma, John P. Knight, Calvin Plett: Physical Resource Binding for a Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Array. ERSA 2004: 109-115
11EERolando Ramírez Ortiz, John P. Knight: Compatible cell connections for multifamily dynamic logic gates. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 10(3): 327-340 (2002)
10EEElie Torbey, John P. Knight: Multiclock selection and synthesis for CDFGs using optimal clock sets and genetic algorithms. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(5): 599-607 (2001)
9EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Optimizing Power in ASIC Behavioral Synthesis. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(2): 58-70 (1996)
8EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Power-Profiler: Optimizing ASICs Power Consumption at the Behavioral Level. DAC 1995: 42-47
7 Raul San Martin, John P. Knight: Genetic Algorithms for the Optimization of Integrated Circuits Synthesis. ICGA 1993: 432-438
6EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Operations research in the high-level synthesis of integrated circuits. Computers & OR 20(8): 845-856 (1993)
5EEPierre G. Paulin, John P. Knight: Scheduling and Binding Algorithms for High-Level Synthesis. DAC 1989: 1-6
4EEPierre G. Paulin, John P. Knight: Force-directed scheduling for the behavioral synthesis of ASICs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8(6): 661-679 (1989)
3EEPierre G. Paulin, John P. Knight: Force-Directed Scheduling in Automatic Data Path Synthesis. DAC 1987: 195-202
2EEPierre G. Paulin, John P. Knight, Emil F. Girczyc: HAL: a multi-paradigm approach to automatic data path synthesis. DAC 1986: 263-270
1EEEmil F. Girczyc, Raymond J. A. Buhr, John P. Knight: Applicability of a Subset of Ada as an Algorithmic Hardware Description Language for Graph-Based Hardware Compilation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 4(2): 134-142 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Raymond J. A. Buhr [1]
2Emil F. Girczyc [1] [2]
3Fred Ma [12] [13]
4Raul San Martin [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Rolando Ramírez Ortiz [11]
6Pierre G. Paulin [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Calvin Plett [12] [13]
8Elie Torbey [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)