
Raul San Martin

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4EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Optimizing Power in ASIC Behavioral Synthesis. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(2): 58-70 (1996)
3EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Power-Profiler: Optimizing ASICs Power Consumption at the Behavioral Level. DAC 1995: 42-47
2 Raul San Martin, John P. Knight: Genetic Algorithms for the Optimization of Integrated Circuits Synthesis. ICGA 1993: 432-438
1EERaul San Martin, John P. Knight: Operations research in the high-level synthesis of integrated circuits. Computers & OR 20(8): 845-856 (1993)

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1John P. Knight [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)