
Sangwook Kim

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30EESangwook Kim: Shellable Complexes and Topology of Diagonal Arrangements. Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(2): 190-213 (2008)
29EEHlaing Su Khin, Sangwook Kim: An Analyzer of the User Event for Interactive DMB. ICESS 2007: 818-825
28EEJiyun Park, Hyunju Lee, Sangwook Kim: A Transparent Protocol Scheme Based on UPnP AV for Ubiquitous Home. ISPA Workshops 2007: 153-162
27 Hyunju Lee, Sangwook Kim: The Remote User Interaction Mechanism for Contents Sharing of Home Entertainment System. MSA 2007: 103-109
26EEZhefan Jiang, Sangwook Kim: Trust Model for Mobile Devices in Ubiquitous Environment. NBiS 2007: 426-434
25 Hyunju Lee, Sangwook Kim: An Interoperability Mechanism for Transparency of UPnP AV Devices. PDPTA 2007: 858-864
24EESunghoon Chun, Sangwook Kim, Hong-Sik Kim, Sungho Kang: An Efficient Dictionary Organization for Maximum Diagnosis. J. Electronic Testing 22(1): 37-48 (2006)
23EESangok Kim, Kanghee Lee, Zhefan Jiang, Hyunchul Bae, Sangwook Kim: Streaming Player Support Protocol Adaptation and Independent Operating System. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 194-197
22EEZhefan Jiang, Sangok Kim, Kanghee Lee, Hyunchul Bae, Sangwook Kim: Security Service Framework for Home Network. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 233-238
21EEHyunju Lee, Sangwook Kim: The Content Analyzer Supporting Interoperability of MPEG-4 Content in Heterogeneous Players. EUC 2005: 996-1005
20EESangwook Kim, Kyungdeok Kim: An Efficient Player for MPEG-4 Contents on a Mobile Device. PCM (2) 2005: 900-911
19EEZhefan Jiang, Kanghee Lee, Sangok Kim, Hyunchul Bae, Sangwook Kim, Soongju Kang: Design of a Security Management Middleware in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. PDCAT 2005: 306-308
18EESangok Kim, Kanghee Lee, Zhefan Jiang, Sangwook Kim: Web Media Service based on Streaming Player supporting ubiquitous environment. PDCAT 2005: 320-322
17EEKanghee Lee, Zhefan Jiang, Sangok Kim, Sangwook Kim, Sunkyung Kim: Access Control List Mediation System for Large-Scale Network. PDCAT 2005: 483-487
16EESongLu Li, Sangwook Kim, Sunkyung Kim: Collaborative MPEG-4 Contents Authoring, Presentation and Interaction in a Mobile Environment. PDCAT 2005: 573-577
15EEKyungae Cha, Sangwook Kim: MPEG-4 STUDIO: An Object-Based Authoring System for MPEG-4 Contents. Multimedia Tools Appl. 25(1): 111-131 (2005)
14EEJangha Kim, Byungwook Song, Kanghee Lee, Sangwook Kim, Daesik Choi, Jungtaek Seo: Design a High-Level Language for Large Network Security Management. OTM Workshops 2004: 7-8
13EEHyunju Lee, Sangwook Kim: An Adaptive Scene Compositor Model in MPEG-4 Player for Mobile Device. PCM (1) 2004: 461-469
12EESangwook Kim, Kyungdeok Kim, Sookyoung Lee: Transformation of MPEG-4 Contents for a PDA Device. PCM (2) 2004: 762-769
11EEJangha Kim, Kanghee Lee, Sangwook Kim, Jungtaek Seo, Eunyoung Lee, Miri Joo: A High-Level Policy Description Language for the Network ACL. PDCAT 2004: 748-751
10EESungchul Yoon, Sangwook Kim, Jae Seuk Oh, Sungho Kang: A New DSP Architecture for Correcting Errors Using Viterbi Algorithm. AISA 2002: 95-102
9EEKyungae Cha, Sangwook Kim: Authoring Temporal Scenarios in Interactive MPEG-4 Contents. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 1235-1242
8EEHeejin Jang, Sangwook Kim: Real-Time Intruder Tracing through Self-Replication. ISC 2002: 1-16
7EESangwook Kim, E. Greeneich: Body effect compensated switch for low voltage switched-capacitor circuits. ISCAS (4) 2002: 437-440
6EEHeejin Jang, Sangwook Kim: An intruder tracing system based on a shadowing mechanism. ISCC 2002: 904-909
5 Yongkyung Shin, Sangwook Kim: An MPEG-4 Scene Rendering Technology Using JNI Functions. PDPTA 2002: 1216-1222
4EEHeejin Jang, Sangwook Kim: Intruder tracing through dynamic extension of a security domain. J. Network and Computer Applications 25(2): 69-91 (2002)
3EEHeejin Jang, Sangwook Kim: A Self-Extension Monitoring for Security Management. ACSAC 2000: 196-
2 Yongkyung Shin, Sangwook Kim: A MPEG-4 Media Presenter on Real-Time OS. PDPTA 2000
1EEKihyun Kim, Sangwook Kim: Information Extraction and Synchronization Control Method for Multi-Human Animation. WSCG 2000

Coauthor Index

1Hyunchul Bae [19] [22] [23]
2Kyungae Cha [9] [15]
3Daesik Choi [14]
4Sunghoon Chun [24]
5E. Greeneich [7]
6Heejin Jang [3] [4] [6] [8]
7Zhefan Jiang [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [26]
8Miri Joo [11]
9Soongju Kang [19]
10Sungho Kang [10] [24]
11Hlaing Su Khin [29]
12Hong-Sik Kim [24]
13Jangha Kim [11] [14]
14Kihyun Kim [1]
15Kyungdeok Kim [12] [20]
16Sangok Kim [17] [18] [19] [22] [23]
17Sunkyung Kim [16] [17]
18Eunyoung Lee [11]
19Hyunju Lee [13] [21] [25] [27] [28]
20Kanghee Lee [11] [14] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23]
21Sookyoung Lee [12]
22SongLu Li [16]
23Jae Seuk Oh [10]
24Jiyun Park [28]
25Jungtaek Seo [11] [14]
26Yongkyung Shin [2] [5]
27Byungwook Song [14]
28Sungchul Yoon [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)