
Kyungdeok Kim

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4EEKyung-Ae Cha, Kyungdeok Kim: MPEG-4 Scene Description Optimization for Interactive Terrestrial DMB Content. ICESS 2007: 358-368
3EESangwook Kim, Kyungdeok Kim: An Efficient Player for MPEG-4 Contents on a Mobile Device. PCM (2) 2005: 900-911
2 Kyungdeok Kim: Tree-based Text Chat Using XML-Based Messages. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 669-675
1EESangwook Kim, Kyungdeok Kim, Sookyoung Lee: Transformation of MPEG-4 Contents for a PDA Device. PCM (2) 2004: 762-769

Coauthor Index

1Kyung-Ae Cha [4]
2Sangwook Kim [1] [3]
3Sookyoung Lee [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)