
David A. Kearney

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14EEDavid A. Kearney, Mark Jasiunas: Managing power amongst a group of networked embedded fpgas using dynamic reconfiguration and task migration. Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures 2006
13EEGrant B. Wigley, David A. Kearney, Mark Jasiunas: ReConfigME: a detailed implementation of an operating system for reconfigurable computing. IPDPS 2006
12 Sebastien Wong, Mark Jasiunas, David A. Kearney: Towards a Reconfigurable Tracking System. FPL 2005: 456-462
11EEWayne Piekarski, Ross Smith, Grant B. Wigley, Bruce H. Thomas, David A. Kearney: Mobile Hand Tracking Using FPGAs for Low Powered Augmented Reality. ISWC 2004: 190-191
10 G. Stewart Von Itzstein, David A. Kearney: The Expression of Common Concurrency Patterns in Join Java. PDPTA 2004: 1021-
9EEWeiquan Zhao, David A. Kearney: Deriving Architectures of Web-Based Applications. APWeb 2003: 301-312
8EEAbhinandan Sharma, Martyn A. George, David A. Kearney: Packing with Boundary Constraints for a Reconfigurable Operating System. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2003: 236-245
7EEGrant B. Wigley, David A. Kearney, David Warren: Introducing ReConfigME: An Operating System for Reconfigurable Computing. FPL 2002: 687-697
6EEGrant B. Wigley, David A. Kearney: The First Real Operating System for Reconfigurable Computers. ACSAC 2001: 130-137
5EEDavid A. Kearney: Theoretical Limits on the Data Dependent Performance of Asynchronous Circuits. ASYNC 1999: 201-207
4 Oliver Diessel, David A. Kearney, Grant B. Wigley: A Web-Based Multiuser Operating System for Reconfiguarble Computing. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 579-587
3EEAntonio Cerone, David A. Kearney, George J. Milne: Integrating the Verification of Timing, Performance and Correctness Properties of Concurrent Systems. ACSD 1998: 109-119
2EEDavid A. Kearney, Neil W. Bergmann: Bundled Data Asynchronous Multipliers with Data Dependent Computation Times. ASYNC 1997: 186-197
1EEDavid A. Kearney, Neil W. Bergmann: Performance evaluation of asynchronous logic pipelines with data dependent processing delays. ASYNC 1995: 4-13

Coauthor Index

1Neil W. Bergmann [1] [2]
2Antonio Cerone [3]
3Oliver Diessel [4]
4Martyn A. George [8]
5G. Stewart Von Itzstein [10]
6Mark Jasiunas [12] [13] [14]
7George J. Milne [3]
8Wayne Piekarski [11]
9Abhinandan Sharma [8]
10Ross Smith [11]
11Bruce H. Thomas [11]
12David Warren [7]
13Grant B. Wigley [4] [6] [7] [11] [13]
14Sebastien Wong [12]
15Weiquan Zhao [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)