
Richard J. Anderson

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49EENatalie Linnell, Richard J. Anderson, Jane Prey: Cross-cultural issues in a tutored video instruction course. SIGCSE 2008: 53-57
48EEChunyuan Liao, François Guimbretière, Richard J. Anderson, Natalie Linnell, Craig Prince, Valentin Razmov: PaperCP: Exploring the Integration of Physical and Digital Affordances for Active Learning. INTERACT (2) 2007: 15-28
47EERichard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, K. M. Davis, Natalie Linnell, Craig Prince, Valentin Razmov: Supporting active learning and example based instruction with classroom technology. SIGCSE 2007: 69-73
46EERichard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Peter Davis, Natalie Linnell, Craig Prince, Valentin Razmov, Fred Videon: Classroom Presenter: Enhancing Interactive Education with Digital Ink. IEEE Computer 40(9): 56-61 (2007)
45EEValentin Razmov, Richard J. Anderson: Pedagogical techniques supported by the use of student devices in teaching software engineering. SIGCSE 2006: 344-348
44EEDavid Ginat, Richard J. Anderson, Daniel D. Garcia, Richard Rasala: Randomness and probability in the early CS courses. SIGCSE 2005: 556-557
43EERichard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Crystal Hoyer, Craig Prince, Jonathan Su, Fred Videon, Steven A. Wolfman: A study of diagrammatic ink in lecture. Computers & Graphics 29(4): 480-489 (2005)
42EERichard J. Anderson, Crystal Hoyer, Craig Prince, Jonathan Su, Fred Videon, Steven A. Wolfman: Speech, ink, and slides: the interaction of content channels. ACM Multimedia 2004: 796-803
41EERichard J. Anderson, Crystal Hoyer, Steven A. Wolfman, Ruth E. Anderson: A study of digital ink in lecture presentation. CHI 2004: 567-574
40EERichard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Beth Simon, Steven A. Wolfman, Tammy VanDeGrift, Ken Yasuhara: Experiences with a tablet PC based lecture presentation system in computer science courses. SIGCSE 2004: 56-60
39EERichard J. Anderson, Tammy VanDeGrift, Steven A. Wolfman, Ken Yasuhara, Ruth E. Anderson: Interaction patterns with a classroom feedback system: making time for feedback. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 880-881
38EERichard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Tammy VanDeGrift, Steven A. Wolfman, Ken Yasuhara: Classroom presentation from the tablet PC. ITiCSE 2003: 238
37EETammy VanDeGrift, Richard J. Anderson: Learning to support the instructor: classroom assessment tools as discussion frameworks in CS 1. ITiCSE 2002: 19-23
36EERichard J. Anderson, Sampath Kannan, Howard J. Karloff, Richard E. Ladner: Thresholds and optimal binary comparison search trees. J. Algorithms 44(2): 338-358 (2002)
35EERichard J. Anderson, Sampath Kannan, Howard J. Karloff, Richard E. Ladner: Thresholds and Optimal Binary Comparison Search Trees. FSTTCS 2001: 83-95
34EERichard J. Anderson, Martin Dickey, Hal Perkins: Experiences with tutored video instruction for introductory programming courses. SIGCSE 2001: 347-351
33EERichard J. Anderson, Brian Tjaden: The inverse nearest neighbor problem with astrophysical applications. SODA 2001: 767-768
32EEWilliam Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, David H. Jones, David Notkin, William E. Warner: Optimizing Symbolic Model Checking for Statecharts. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 27(2): 170-190 (2001)
31EERichard J. Anderson: Organizational limits to HCI: conversations with Don Norman and Janice Rohn. Interactions 7(3): 36-60 (2000)
30EERichard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, William Chan, David Notkin: Experiences with the Application of Symbolic Model Checking to the Analysis of Software Specifications. Ershov Memorial Conference 1999: 460-469
29EEWilliam Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, David H. Jones, David Notkin, William E. Warner: Decoupling Synchronization from Local Control for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts. ICSE 1999: 142-151
28EERichard J. Anderson, Sumeet Sobti: The Table Layout Problem. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 115-123
27 Richard J. Anderson: Tree Data Structures for N-Body Simulation. SIAM J. Comput. 28(6): 1923-1940 (1999)
26EEWilliam Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, David Notkin: Improving Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking for State-Based System Requirements. ISSTA 1998: 102-112
25EEWilliam Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, Steve Burns, Francesmary Modugno, David Notkin, Jon Damon Reese: Model Checking Large Software Specifications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 24(7): 498-520 (1998)
24 William Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, David Notkin: Combining Constraint Solving and Symbolic Model Checking for a Class of a Systems with Non-linear Constraints. CAV 1997: 316-327
23 Richard J. Anderson, Heather Woll: Algorithms for the Certified Write-All Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 26(5): 1277-1283 (1997)
22EEAlan Borning, Richard J. Anderson, Bjørn N. Freeman-Benson: Indigo: A Local Propagation Algorithm for Inequality Constraints. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 129-136
21 Richard J. Anderson: Tree Data Structures for N-Body Simulation. FOCS 1996: 224-233
20EERichard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, Steve Burns, William Chan, Francesmary Modugno, David Notkin, Jon Damon Reese: Model Checking Large Software Specifications. SIGSOFT FSE 1996: 156-166
19 Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, Erik Brisson: Parallel Algorithms for Arrangements. Algorithmica 15(2): 104-125 (1996)
18 Richard J. Anderson: Primitives for Asynchronous List Compression. Mathematical Systems Theory 27(5): 453-470 (1994)
17 Richard J. Anderson, Barbara B. Simons: A Fast Heuristiv for Loop Parallelization. Parallel Processing Letters 4: 281-299 (1994)
16EERichard J. Anderson, João C. Setubal: On the Parallel Implementation of Goldberg's Maximum Flow Algorithm. SPAA 1992: 168-177
15EERichard J. Anderson: Primitives for Asynchronous List Compression. SPAA 1992: 199-208
14 Richard J. Anderson, Heather Woll: Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem STOC 1991: 370-380
13 Richard J. Anderson, Gary L. Miller: Deterministic Parallel List Ranking. Algorithmica 6(6): 859-868 (1991)
12EERichard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, Erik Brisson: Parallel Algorithms for Arrangements. SPAA 1990: 298-306
11EERichard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, Walter L. Ruzzo: Low Overhead Parallel Schedules for Task Graphs. SPAA 1990: 66-75
10EERichard J. Anderson: Parallel Algorithms for Generating Random Permutations on a Shared memory Machine. SPAA 1990: 95-102
9 Richard J. Anderson, Gary L. Miller: A Simple Randomized Parallel Algorithm for List-Ranking. Inf. Process. Lett. 33(5): 269-273 (1990)
8 Alok Aggarwal, Richard J. Anderson, Ming-Yang Kao: Parallel Depth-First Search in General Directed Graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 19(2): 397-409 (1990)
7 Kenneth Almquist, Richard J. Anderson, Edward D. Lazowska: The Measured Performance of Parallel Dynamic Programming Implementations. ICPP (3) 1989: 76-79
6 Alok Aggarwal, Richard J. Anderson, Ming-Yang Kao: Parallel Depth-First Search in General Directed Graphs (Preliminary Version) STOC 1989: 297-308
5 Richard J. Anderson, Ernst W. Mayr, Manfred K. Warmuth: Parallel Approximation Algorithms for Bin Packing Inf. Comput. 82(3): 262-277 (1989)
4 Richard J. Anderson, Ashfaq A. Munshi, Barbara Simons: A Scheduling Problem Arising From Loop Parallelization on MIMD Machines. AWOC 1988: 124-133
3 Richard J. Anderson, Gary L. Miller: Deterministic Parallel List Ranking. AWOC 1988: 81-90
2 Alok Aggarwal, Richard J. Anderson: A random NC algorithm for depth first search. Combinatorica 8(1): 1-12 (1988)
1 Alok Aggarwal, Richard J. Anderson: A Random NC Algorithm for Depth First Search STOC 1987: 325-334

Coauthor Index

1Alok Aggarwal [1] [2] [6] [8]
2Kenneth Almquist [7]
3Ruth E. Anderson [38] [39] [40] [41] [43] [46] [47]
4Paul Beame [11] [12] [19] [20] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [32]
5Alan Borning [22]
6Erik Brisson [12] [19]
7Steve Burns [20] [25]
8William Chan [20] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [32]
9K. M. Davis [47]
10Peter Davis [46]
11Martin Dickey [34]
12Bjørn N. Freeman-Benson [22]
13Daniel D. Garcia [44]
14David Ginat [44]
15François Guimbretière [48]
16Crystal Hoyer [41] [42] [43]
17David H. Jones [29] [32]
18Sampath Kannan [35] [36]
19Ming-Yang Kao [6] [8]
20Howard J. Karloff [35] [36]
21Richard E. Ladner [35] [36]
22Edward D. Lazowska [7]
23Chunyuan Liao [48]
24Natalie Linnell [46] [47] [48] [49]
25Ernst W. Mayr [5]
26Gary L. Miller [3] [9] [13]
27Francesmary Modugno [20] [25]
28Ashfaq A. Munshi [4]
29David Notkin [20] [24] [25] [26] [29] [30] [32]
30Hal Perkins [34]
31Jane Prey [49]
32Craig Prince [42] [43] [46] [47] [48]
33Richard Rasala [44]
34Valentin Razmov [45] [46] [47] [48]
35Jon Damon Reese [20] [25]
36Walter L. Ruzzo [11]
37João C. Setubal [16]
38Beth Simon [40]
39Barbara B. Simons (Barbara Simons) [4] [17]
40Sumeet Sobti [28]
41Jonathan Su [42] [43]
42Brian Tjaden [33]
43Tammy VanDeGrift [37] [38] [39] [40]
44Fred Videon [42] [43] [46]
45Manfred K. Warmuth [5]
46William E. Warner [29] [32]
47Steven A. Wolfman [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43]
48Heather Woll [14] [23]
49Ken Yasuhara [38] [39] [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)