
Vinutha Kallem

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5EETing Li, Vinutha Kallem, Dheeraj Singaraju, René Vidal: Projective Factorization of Multiple Rigid-Body Motions. CVPR 2007
4EEVinutha Kallem, Noah J. Cowan: Image-guided Control of Flexible Bevel-Tip Needles. ICRA 2007: 3015-3020
3EEVinutha Kallem, Maneesh Dewan, John P. Swensen, Gregory D. Hager, Noah J. Cowan: Kernel-based visual servoing. IROS 2007: 1975-1980
2EEVinutha Kallem, Dong Eui Chang, Noah J. Cowan: Task-induced symmetry and reduction in kinematic systems with application to needle steering. IROS 2007: 3302-3308
1EEAmbarish Goswami, Vinutha Kallem: Rate of Change of Angular Momentum and Balance Maintenance of Biped Robots. ICRA 2004: 3785-3790

Coauthor Index

1Dong Eui Chang [2]
2Noah J. Cowan [2] [3] [4]
3Maneesh Dewan [3]
4Ambarish Goswami [1]
5Gregory D. Hager [3]
6Ting Li [5]
7Dheeraj Singaraju [5]
8John P. Swensen [3]
9René Vidal [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)