
Michael Jones

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19EETonglaga Bao, Michael Jones: Model Checking Abstract Components within Concrete Software Environments. SPIN 2008: 42-59
18EERavi R. Iyer, Mahesh Bhat, Li Zhao, Ramesh Illikkal, Srihari Makineni, Michael Jones, Kumar Shiv, Donald Newell: Exploring Small-Scale and Large-Scale CMP Architectures for Commercial Java Servers. IISWC 2006: 191-200
17EEMichael C. Mozer, Michael Jones, Michael Shettel: Context Effects in Category Learning: An Investigation of Four Probabilistic Models. NIPS 2006: 993-1000
16EEMicah Lewis, Michael Jones: A dead variable analysis for explicit model checking. PEPM 2006: 48-57
15EEPeter Lamborn, Michael Jones: January: A Parallel Algorithm for Bug Hunting Based on Insect Behavior. PPSN 2006: 731-740
14EEKevin D. Seppi, Michael Jones, Peter Lamborn: Guided Model Checking with a Bayesian Meta-heuristic. Fundam. Inform. 70(1-2): 111-126 (2006)
13EEPartha Pratim Pande, Cristian Grecu, Michael Jones, André Ivanov, Res Saleh: Effect of traffic localization on energy dissipation in NoC-based interconnect. ISCAS (2) 2005: 1774-1777
12EEEric Mercer, Michael Jones: Model Checking Machine Code with the GNU Debugger. SPIN 2005: 251-265
11EETonglaga Bao, Michael Jones: Time-Efficient Model Checking with Magnetic Disk. TACAS 2005: 526-540
10EEPartha Pratim Pande, Cristian Grecu, Michael Jones, André Ivanov, Resve A. Saleh: Performance Evaluation and Design Trade-Offs for Network-on-Chip Interconnect Architectures. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(8): 1025-1040 (2005)
9EEKevin D. Seppi, Michael Jones, Peter Lamborn: Guided Model Checking with a Bayesian Meta-heuristic. ACSD 2004: 217-226
8EEMaurizio Gavardoni, Michael Jones, Russell Poffenberger, Miguel Conde: System Monitor for Diagnostic, Calibration and System Configuration. ITC 2004: 1263-1268
7EEMichael Jones, Eric Mercer: Explicit State Model Checking with Hopper. SPIN 2004: 146-150
6EEMichael Jones, Aaron Benson, Dan Delorey: Proving Compatibility Using Refinement. TPHOLs 2004: 168-183
5EEMichael Jones, Eric Mercer, Tonglaga Bao, Rahul Kumar, Peter Lamborn: Benchmarking Explicit State Parallel Model Checkers. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 89(1): (2003)
4EETat-Jen Cham, Shyam Krishnamoorthy, Michael Jones: Analogous view transfer for gaze correction in video sequences. ICARCV 2002: 1415-1420
3EECecilia Magdalena Procopiuc, Michael Jones, Pankaj K. Agarwal, T. M. Murali: A Monte Carlo algorithm for fast projective clustering. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 418-427
2 Sing Bing Kang, Michael Jones: Appearance-Based Structure from Motion Using Linear Classes of 3-D Models. International Journal of Computer Vision 49(1): 5-22 (2002)
1EEMichael Jones, Aaron H. Konstam: The Use of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks to Investigate the Baldwin Effect. SAC 1999: 275-279

Coauthor Index

1Pankaj K. Agarwal [3]
2Tonglaga Bao [5] [11] [19]
3Aaron Benson [6]
4Mahesh Bhat [18]
5Tat-Jen Cham [4]
6Miguel Conde [8]
7Dan Delorey [6]
8Maurizio Gavardoni [8]
9Cristian Grecu [10] [13]
10Ramesh Illikkal [18]
11André Ivanov [10] [13]
12Ravi R. Iyer (Ravishankar R. Iyer) [18]
13Sing Bing Kang [2]
14Aaron H. Konstam [1]
15Shyam Krishnamoorthy [4]
16Rahul Kumar [5]
17Peter Lamborn [5] [9] [14] [15]
18Micah Lewis [16]
19Srihari Makineni [18]
20Eric Mercer (Eric G. Mercer) [5] [7] [12]
21Michael C. Mozer (Michael Mozer) [17]
22T. M. Murali [3]
23Donald Newell [18]
24Partha Pratim Pande [10] [13]
25Russell Poffenberger [8]
26Cecilia Magdalena Procopiuc [3]
27Resve A. Saleh (Resve Saleh, Res Saleh) [10] [13]
28Kevin D. Seppi [9] [14]
29Michael Shettel [17]
30Kumar Shiv [18]
31Li Zhao [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)