
Marcel Jacomet

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8EEMarcel Jacomet, Josef Goette, Andreas Eicher: On Using Fingerprint-Sensors for PIN-Pad Entry. DELTA 2008: 425-430
7EEJosef Goette, Marcel Jacomet, Markus Hager: Using Dither to Improve the Performance of Lossy Sigma-Delta Modulators. DELTA 2006: 11-16
6EEMarcel Jacomet, Josef Goette, Venanz Zbinden, Christian Narvaez: On the dynamic behavior of a novel digital-only sigma--delta A/D converter. SBCCI 2004: 222-227
5EEMarcel Jacomet: An ASIC Designer's Point of View. Asian Test Symposium 1998: 518-
4EEMarcel Jacomet, Roger Wälti, Lukas Winzenried, Jaime Perez, Martin Gysel: ProTest: A Low Cost Rapid Prototyping Test System for ASICs and FPGAs. Asian Test Symposium 1997: 138-142
3 Marcel Jacomet, Andreas Stahel, Roger Wälti: On-Line Optimization of Fuzzy Systems. Inf. Sci. 98(1-4): 301-313 (1997)
2EEMarcel Jacomet, Walter Guggenbühl: Layout-dependent fault analysis and test synthesis for CMOS circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(6): 888-899 (1993)
1 Marcel Jacomet: FANTESTIC: Towards a Powerful Fault Analysis and Test Pattern Generator for Integrated Circuits. ITC 1989: 633-642

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Eicher [8]
2Josef Goette [6] [7] [8]
3Walter Guggenbühl [2]
4Martin Gysel [4]
5Markus Hager [7]
6Christian Narvaez [6]
7Jaime Perez [4]
8Andreas Stahel [3]
9Roger Wälti [3] [4]
10Lukas Winzenried [4]
11Venanz Zbinden [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)