
Atsushi Imiya

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98EEAtsushi Imiya, Yusuke Kameda, Naoya Ohnishi: Decomposition and Construction of Neighbourhood Operations Using Linear Algebra. DGCI 2008: 69-80
97EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya: Statistically Valid Graph Representations of Scale-Space Geometry. ICISP 2008: 338-345
96EEYusuke Kameda, Atsushi Imiya, Naoya Ohnishi: A Convergence Proof for the Horn-Schunck Optical-Flow Computation Scheme Using Neighborhood Decomposition. IWCIA 2008: 262-273
95EENaoya Ohnishi, Yusuke Kameda, Atsushi Imiya, Leo Dorst, Reinhard Klette: Dynamic Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation. RobVis 2008: 1-15
94EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Visual Navigation of Mobile Robot Using Optical Flow and Visual Potential Field. RobVis 2008: 412-426
93EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Independent Components of Optical Flow in a Multiresolution Image Sequence. IJPRAI 22(5): 929-944 (2008)
92EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Independent component analysis of optical flow for robot navigation. Neurocomputing 71(10-12): 2140-2163 (2008)
91EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Independent Component Analysis of Layer Optical Flow and Its Application. BVAI 2007: 171-180
90EEYusuke Kameda, Atsushi Imiya: Classification of Optical Flow by Constraints. CAIP 2007: 61-68
89EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Corridor Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using Visual Potential for Mobile Robot. CRV 2007: 131-138
88EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: ICA-Based Image Analysis for Robot Vision. ICA 2007: 754-761
87EEYoshihiko Mochizuki, Atsushi Imiya, Akihiko Torii: Circle-Marker Detection Method for Omnidirectional Images and its Application to Robot Positioning. ICCV 2007: 1-8
86EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Model-Based Plane-Segmentation Using Optical Flow and Dominant Plane. MIRAGE 2007: 295-306
85EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya, Takuto Komazaki, Shiomu Hama: Critical Scale for Unsupervised Cluster Discovery. MLDM 2007: 218-232
84EETomoya Sakai, Takuto Komazaki, Atsushi Imiya: Scale-Space Clustering with Recursive Validation. SSVM 2007: 288-299
83EEAkihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya: The randomized-Hough-transform-based method for great-circle detection on sphere. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(10): 1186-1192 (2007)
82EEHaruhiko Nishiguchi, Atsushi Imiya, Tomoya Sakai: Laplacian Based Non-Linear Diffusion Filtering. ICPR (3) 2006: 838-841
81EEKosuke Sato, Atsushi Imiya, Tomoya Sakai: Shape Reconstruction by Line Voting in Discrete Space. ISVC (1) 2006: 608-617
80EEAtsushi Imiya, Tomoya Sakai: Combinatorial Properties of Scale Space Singular Points. IWCIA 2006: 333-346
79EEHaruhiko Nishiguchi, Atsushi Imiya, Tomoya Sakai: Hierarchical Tree of Image Derived by Diffusion Filtering. IWCIA 2006: 453-465
78EEYoshihiko Mochizuki, Akihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya: N-Point Hough Transform Derived by Geometric Duality. PSIVT 2006: 148-157
77EEAtsushi Imiya, Daisuke Yamada: Voting Method for Stable Range Optical Flow Computation. PSIVT 2006: 332-341
76EEAtsushi Imiya, Masahiko Saito: Thinning by curvature flow. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(1): 27-41 (2006)
75EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Combinatorial boundary of a 3D lattice point set. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(4): 738-766 (2006)
74EEKazuhiko Kawamoto, Atsushi Imiya, Kaoru Hirota: Voting-Based Approach to Nullspace Search for Correspondence Matching and Shape Recovery. JACIII 10(1): 11-16 (2006)
73EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Dominant plane detection from optical flow for robot navigation. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(9): 1009-1021 (2006)
72 Petra Perner, Atsushi Imiya: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 4th International Conference, MLDM 2005, Leipzig, Germany, July 9-11, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
71EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Dominant Plane Detection Using Optical Flow and Independent Component Analysis. BVAI 2005: 487-496
70EEAkihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya, Hironobu Sugaya, Yoshihiko Mochizuki: Optical Flow Computation for Compound Eyes: Variational Analysis of Omni-Directional Views. BVAI 2005: 527-536
69EEAtsushi Imiya, Hironobu Sugaya, Akihiko Torii, Yoshihiko Mochizuki: Variational Analysis of Spherical Images. CAIP 2005: 104-111
68EEAtsushi Imiya, Kosuke Sato: Shape from Silhouettes in Discrete Space. CAIP 2005: 296-303
67EEAkihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya: The Randomized Hough Transform for Spherical Images. CAIP 2005: 355-362
66EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya: Scale-Space Hierarchy of Singularities. DSSCV 2005: 181-192
65EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya, Heitoh Zen: Tree-Based Tracking of Temporal Image. GbRPR 2005: 322-331
64EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Dominant Plane Detection Using Optical Flow and Independent Component Analysis. MLDM 2005: 497-506
63EEStephan Didas, Bernhard Burgeth, Atsushi Imiya, Joachim Weickert: Regularity and Scale-Space Properties of Fractional High Order Linear Filtering. Scale-Space 2005: 13-25
62EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya: Figure Field Analysis of Linear Scale-Space Image. Scale-Space 2005: 374-385
61EENaoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya: Featureless robot navigation using optical flow. Connect. Sci. 17(1-2): 23-46 (2005)
60EEAtsushi Imiya, Akihiko Torii, Kosuke Sato: Tomography on Finite Graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 217-232 (2005)
59EEAkihiko Torii, Atsushi Imiya: Panoramic Image Transform of Omnidirectional Images Using Discrete Geometry Techniques. 3DPVT 2004: 608-615
58EETruong Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya: Reconstruction of Euclidean Planes from Voxels. 3DPVT 2004: 781-788
57EETomoya Sakai, Atsushi Imiya: Hierarchical Analysis of Low-Contrast Temporal Images with Linear Scale Space. ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 145-156
56EEAtsushi Imiya, Nobuhiko Yamagishi: Principal Curve Analysis for Temporal Data. ICPR (2) 2004: 475-478
55EEAtsushi Imiya, Masahiko Saito, Kiwamu Nakamura: Thinning by Curvature Flow. IWCIA 2004: 432-442
54EETruong Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya, Robin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids. IWCIA 2004: 88-97
53EEAtsushi Imiya, Ken Tatara: Graph-Based Clustering of Random Point Set. SSPR/SPR 2004: 948-956
52EEKazuhiko Kawamoto, Naoya Ohnishi, Atsushi Imiya, Reinhard Klette, Kaoru Hirota: Motion-Based Template Matching for Obstacle Detection. JACIII 8(5): 469-476 (2004)
51EEAtsushi Imiya, Hisashi Ootani, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: Linear manifolds analysis: theory and algorithm. Neurocomputing 57: 171-187 (2004)
50EEAtsushi Imiya, S. Kudo: Docking of Polygons Using Boundary Descriptor. CAIP 2003: 25-32
49EEAkihiko Torii, Y. Wakazono, H. Murakami, Atsushi Imiya: PDE Based Method for Superresolution of Gray-Level Images. CAIP 2003: 706-713
48EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Combinatorial Topologies for Discrete Planes. DGCI 2003: 144-153
47EETruong Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya: Nonlinear Optimization for Polygonalization. DGCI 2003: 444-453
46EEAkihiko Torii, Y. Wakazono, H. Murakami, Atsushi Imiya: Resolution conversion of gray-level images by discrete geometry. ICIAP 2003: 542-547
45EEKazuhiko Kawamoto, Atsushi Imiya, Kaoru Hirota: Shape Recovery from an Unorganized Image Sequence. MLDM 2003: 389-399
44EEAtsushi Imiya, Ken Tatara, Hisashi Ootani, Václav Hlavác: Detecting the Boundary Curve of Planar Random Point Set. MLDM 2003: 413-424
43EEAtsushi Imiya, Tateshi Sugiura, Tomoya Sakai, Yuichiro Kato: Temporal Structure Tree in Digital Linear Scale Space. Scale-Space 2003: 356-371
42EEAtsushi Imiya, Truong Kieu Linh: Nonlinear Optimization for the Recognition of Discrete Linear Objects. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 130-141 (2003)
41EEAtsushi Imiya, Tetsu Hada: Detection of Lines by Combinatorial Optimization. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 186-197 (2003)
40EEAtsushi Imiya, Tomoki Ueno, Iris Fermin: Symmetry Detection by Random Sampling and Voting Process for Motion Analysis. IJPRAI 17(1): 83-126 (2003)
39EEAtsushi Imiya, Keisuke Iwawaki: Voting method for the detection of subpixel flow field. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(1-3): 197-214 (2003)
38EEAtsushi Imiya, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: Mathematical Aspects of Shape Reconstruction from an Image Sequence. 3DPVT 2002: 632-635
37EEAtsushi Imiya, Tetsu Hada, Ken Tatara: The Hough Transform without the Accumulators. SSPR/SPR 2002: 823-832
36EEAtsushi Imiya, Hisashi Ootani, Ken Tatara: Medial Set, Boundary, and Topology of Random Point Sets. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 2002: 196-217
35EEAkihiko Torii, T. Ichinose, Y. Wakazono, Atsushi Imiya: Inverse Quantization for Resolution Conversion. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 2002: 282-300
34 Gilles Bertrand, Atsushi Imiya, Reinhard Klette: Digital and Image Geometry, Advanced Lectures [based on a winter school held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany in December 2000] Springer 2001
33EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya, Toshiaki Nomura, Kazunori Kotani: Extraction of Topological Features from Sequential Volume Data. IWVF 2001: 333-345
32EEAtsushi Imiya, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: Shape Reconstruction from an Image Sequence. IWVF 2001: 677-686
31EEAtsushi Imiya, Hisashi Ootani: PCA-Based Model Selection and Fitting for Linear Manifolds. MLDM 2001: 278-292
30EEAtsushi Imiya, Keisuke Iwawaki: Statistics of Flow Vectors and Its Application to the Voting Method for the Detection of Flow Fields. MLDM 2001: 293-306
29EEAtsushi Imiya, Keisuke Iwawaki: Subpixel Flow Detection by the Hough Transform. RobVis 2001: 140-147
28EEKazuhiko Kawamoto, Atsushi Imiya: Random Sampling and Voting Method for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction. RobVis 2001: 193-200
27EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Polyhedral Set Operations for 3D Discrete Object Deformation. Scale-Space 2001: 417-425
26EEAtsushi Imiya, Akihiko Ito, Yukiko Kenmochi: Inverse Quantization of Digital Binary Images for Resolution Conversion. Scale-Space 2001: 426-434
25 Atsushi Imiya, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: Learning dimensionality and orientations of 3D objects. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(1): 75-83 (2001)
24 Kazuhiko Kawamoto, Atsushi Imiya: Detection of spatial points and lines by random sampling and voting procedure. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(2): 199-207 (2001)
23EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Naive Planes as Discrete Combinatorial Surfaces. DGCI 2000: 249-261
22EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Discrete Polyhedrization of a Lattice Point Set. Digital and Image Geometry 2000: 150-162
21EEAtsushi Imiya: Curvature Flow in Discrete Space. Digital and Image Geometry 2000: 229-249
20EEAtsushi Imiya, Tomoki Ueno, Iris Fermin: Planar Symmetry Detection by Random Sampling and Voting Process. SSPR/SPR 2000: 347-356
19EEAtsushi Imiya, Tomoki Ueno, Iris Fermin: Symmetry Detection by Random Sampling and Voting Process. ICIAP 1999: 400-405
18 Yukiko Kenmochi, Kazunori Kotani, Atsushi Imiya: Marching Cubes Method with Connectivity. ICIP (4) 1999: 361-365
17EEAtsushi Imiya, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: A Dynamics of the Hough Transform and Artifical Neural Networks. MLDM 1999: 36-50
16EEAtsushi Imiya, Ulrich Eckhardt: Discrete Mean Curvature Flow. Scale-Space 1999: 477-482
15EEAtsushi Imiya, Iris Fermin: Motion Analysis by Random Sampling and Voting Process. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 73(3): 309-328 (1999)
14EEAtsushi Imiya, Ulrich Eckhardt: The Euler Characteristics of Discrete Objects and Discrete Quasi-Objects. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 75(3): 307-318 (1999)
13EEAtsushi Imiya, Iris Fermin: Voting method for planarity and motion detection. Image Vision Comput. 17(12): 867-879 (1999)
12 Atsushi Imiya, Kazuhiko Kawamoto: Performance Analysis of Shape Recovery by Random Sampling and Voting. Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1998: 227-240
11EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya, Akira Ichikawa: Boundary Extraction of Discrete Objects. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 71(3): 281-293 (1998)
10 Yukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya: Deformation of Discrete Object Surfaces. CAIP 1997: 146-153
9 Atsushi Imiya, Ulrich Eckhardt: The Euler Characteristic of Discrete Object. DGCI 1997: 163-174
8 Atsushi Imiya, Ryo Katsuta: Extraction of a Structure Feature from Three-Dimensional Objects by Scale-Space Analysis. Scale-Space 1997: 353-356
7EEYukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya, Akira Ichikawa: Discrete combinatorial geometry. Pattern Recognition 30(10): 1719-1728 (1997)
6EEIris Fermin, Atsushi Imiya: Planar motion detection by randomized triangle matching. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(8): 741-749 (1997)
5 Yukiko Kenmochi, Atsushi Imiya, Norberto F. Ezquerra: Polyhedra generation from lattice points. DGCI 1996: 127-138
4 Atsushi Imiya, Yasumitsu Fujiwara, Toshiyuki Kawashima: A Metric of Planar Self-Similar Forms. SSPR 1996: 100-109
3EEIris Fermin, Atsushi Imiya, Akira Ichikawa: Randomized polygon search for planar motion detection. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(10): 1109-1115 (1996)
2EEAtsushi Imiya: A metric for spatial lines. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(12): 1265-1269 (1996)
1EEAtsushi Imiya: Detection of piecewise-linear signals by the randomized Hough transform. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(7): 771-776 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Gilles Bertrand [34]
2Gunilla Borgefors [54]
3Bernhard Burgeth [63]
4Stephan Didas [63]
5Leo Dorst [95]
6Ulrich Eckhardt [9] [14] [16]
7Norberto F. Ezquerra (Norberto Ezquerra) [5]
8Iris Fermin [3] [6] [13] [15] [19] [20] [40]
9Yasumitsu Fujiwara [4]
10Tetsu Hada [37] [41]
11Shiomu Hama [85]
12Kaoru Hirota [45] [52] [74]
13Václav Hlavác [44]
14Akira Ichikawa [3] [7] [11]
15T. Ichinose [35]
16Akihiko Ito [26]
17Keisuke Iwawaki [29] [30] [39]
18Yusuke Kameda [90] [95] [96] [98]
19Yuichiro Kato [43]
20Ryo Katsuta [8]
21Kazuhiko Kawamoto [12] [17] [24] [25] [28] [32] [38] [45] [51] [52] [74]
22Toshiyuki Kawashima [4]
23Yukiko Kenmochi [5] [7] [10] [11] [18] [22] [23] [26] [27] [33] [48] [75]
24Reinhard Klette [34] [52] [95]
25Takuto Komazaki [84] [85]
26Kazunori Kotani [18] [33]
27S. Kudo [50]
28Truong Kieu Linh [42] [47] [54] [58]
29Yoshihiko Mochizuki [69] [70] [78] [87]
30H. Murakami [46] [49]
31Kiwamu Nakamura [55]
32Haruhiko Nishiguchi [79] [82]
33Toshiaki Nomura [33]
34Naoya Ohnishi [52] [61] [64] [71] [73] [86] [88] [89] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [98]
35Hisashi Ootani [31] [36] [44] [51]
36Petra Perner [72]
37Masahiko Saito [55] [76]
38Tomoya Sakai [43] [57] [62] [65] [66] [79] [80] [81] [82] [84] [85] [97]
39Kosuke Sato [60] [68] [81]
40Robin Strand [54]
41Hironobu Sugaya [69] [70]
42Tateshi Sugiura [43]
43Ken Tatara [36] [37] [44] [53]
44Akihiko Torii [35] [46] [49] [59] [60] [67] [69] [70] [78] [83] [87]
45Tomoki Ueno [19] [20] [40]
46Y. Wakazono [35] [46] [49]
47Joachim Weickert [63]
48Daisuke Yamada [77]
49Nobuhiko Yamagishi [56]
50Heitoh Zen [65]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)