
Gunilla Borgefors

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47EECéline Fouard, Robin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices CoRR abs/0808.0665: (2008)
46EEHamid Sarve, Carina B. Johansson, Joakim Lindblad, Gunilla Borgefors, Victoria Franke Stenport: Quantification of Bone Remodeling in the Proximity of Implants. CAIP 2007: 253-260
45EECéline Fouard, Robin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices. Pattern Recognition 40(9): 2453-2474 (2007)
44EEMaria Axelsson, Stina Svensson, Gunilla Borgefors: Reduction of Ring Artifacts in High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography Images. DAGM-Symposium 2006: 61-70
43EERobin Strand, Benedek Nagy, Céline Fouard, Gunilla Borgefors: Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences. DGCI 2006: 295-307
42EERobin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Resolution Pyramids on the FCC and BCC Grids. DGCI 2005: 68-78
41EEGabriella Sanniti di Baja, Ingela Nyström, Gunilla Borgefors: Discrete 3D Tools Applied to 2D Grey-Level Images. ICIAP 2005: 229-236
40EEGunilla Borgefors, Robin Strand: An Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Object. ICIAP 2005: 438-445
39EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Shape Based Identification of Proteins in Volume Images. SCIA 2005: 253-262
38EERobin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Distance transforms for three-dimensional grids with non-cubic voxels. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 100(3): 294-311 (2005)
37EETruong Kieu Linh, Atsushi Imiya, Robin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors: Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids. IWCIA 2004: 88-97
36EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Mohammed Homman-Loudiyi, Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Gunilla Borgefors: A refined circular template matching method for classification of human cytomegalovirus capsids in TEM images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 76(2): 95-102 (2004)
35EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted distance transforms for volume images digitized in elongated voxel grids. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(5): 571-580 (2004)
34EEIngela Nyström, Gunilla Borgefors, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: 2D Grey-Level Convex Hull Computation: A Discrete 3D Approach. SCIA 2003: 763-770
33 Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted digital distance transforms in four dimensions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 125(1): 161-176 (2003)
32EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted Distance Transforms for Images Using Elongated Voxel Grids. DGCI 2002: 244-254
31EEGunilla Borgefors, Stina Svensson: Fuzzy Border Distance Transforms and Their Use in 2D Skeletonization. ICPR (1) 2002: 180-183
30EEStina Svensson, Gunilla Borgefors: Digital Distance Transforms in 3D Images Using Information from Neighbourhoods up to 5×5×5. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 88(1): 24-53 (2002)
29EEStina Svensson, Gunilla Borgefors: Distance transforms in 3D using four different weights. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(12): 1407-1418 (2002)
28EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted Distance Transforms in Rectangular Grids. ICIAP 2001: 322-326
27EEAnna Rydberg, Gunilla Borgefors: Feature Based Merging of Application Specific Regions. ICIAP 2001: 56-62
26EEGunilla Borgefors, Stina Svensson: Optimal Local Distances for Distance Transforms in 3D Using an Extended Neighbourhood. IWVF 2001: 113-122
25EEGunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Hierarchical Decomposition of Multiscale Skeletons. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(11): 1296-1312 (2001)
24 Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Shape and topology preserving multi-valued image pyramids for multi-resolution skeletonization. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(6/7): 741-751 (2001)
23 Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 9th International Conference, DGCI 2000, Uppsala, Sweden, December 13-15, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
22EEGunilla Borgefors: Some Weighted Distance Transforms in Four Dimensions. DGCI 2000: 325-336
21EEGunilla Borgefors, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Stina Svensson: Decomposing Digital 3D Shapes Using a Multiresolution Structure. DGCI 1999: 19-30
20EEGunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Permanence-Based Shape Decomposition in Binary Pyramids. ICIAP 1999: 38-43
19EEAnna Rydberg, Gunilla Borgefors: Extracting Multispectral Edges in Satellite Images over Agricultural Fields. ICIAP 1999: 786-791
18 Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Stina Svensson: On the Multiscale Representation of 2D and 3D Shapes. Graphical Models and Image Processing 61(1): 44-62 (1999)
17EEGunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Computing skeletons in three dimensions. Pattern Recognition 32(7): 1225-1236 (1999)
16 Mattias Moell, Gunilla Borgefors: A Machine-vision Method to Measure Cross-sectional Tracheid Dimensions of Wood using Confocal Microscopy. IVCNZ 1998: 216-221
15 Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Skeletonizing Volume Objects Part 2: From Surface to Curve Skeleton. SSPR/SPR 1998: 220-229
14 Josef Bigün, Gérard Chollet, Gunilla Borgefors: Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, First International Conference, AVBPA '97, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, March 12-14, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
13 Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Using Binary Pyramids to Create Multi-resolution Shape Descriptors. BSDIA 1997: 129-140
12 Gunilla Borgefors, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Stina Svensson: Multiresolution Representation of Shapes in Binary Images II: Volume Images. DGCI 1997: 75-86
11 Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Analysis for a Multiscale Skeleton Hierarchy. ICIAP (1) 1997: 369-376
10EEGunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström: Efficient shape representation by minimizing the set of centres of maximal discs/spheres. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(5): 465-471 (1997)
9 Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Multiresolution representation of shape in binary images. DGCI 1996: 51-58
8 Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Surface Skeletonization of Volume Objects. SSPR 1996: 251-259
7EEGunilla Borgefors, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Analyzing Nonconvex 2D and 3D Patterns. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63(1): 145-157 (1996)
6EEGunilla Borgefors: On Digital Distance Transforms in Three Dimensions. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 64(3): 368-376 (1996)
5 Ingela Nyström, Gunilla Borgefors: Synthesising Objects and Scenes Using the Reverse Distance Transformation in 2D and 3D. ICIAP 1995: 441-446
4EEGunilla Borgefors, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja: Parallel Analysis of Non Convex Shapes Digitized on the Hexagonal Grid. MVA 1992: 557-560
3EEGunilla Borgefors: A hierarchical 'square' tessellation of the sphere. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(3): 183-188 (1992)
2EEGunilla Borgefors: Hierarchical Chamfer Matching: A Parametric Edge Matching Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(6): 849-865 (1988)
1EEGunilla Borgefors: Distance transformations in digital images. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 34(3): 344-371 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Maria Axelsson [44]
2Gabriella Sanniti di Baja [4] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [34] [41]
3Josef Bigün [14]
4Gérard Chollet [14]
5Céline Fouard [43] [45] [47]
6Mohammed Homman-Loudiyi [36]
7Atsushi Imiya [37]
8Carina B. Johansson [46]
9Joakim Lindblad [46]
10Truong Kieu Linh [37]
11Mattias Moell [16]
12Benedek Nagy [43]
13Ingela Nyström [5] [8] [10] [15] [17] [23] [34] [41]
14Giuliana Ramella [9] [11] [13] [18] [20] [24] [25]
15Anna Rydberg [19] [27]
16Hamid Sarve [46]
17Ida-Maria Sintorn [28] [32] [35] [36] [39]
18Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér [36]
19Victoria Franke Stenport [46]
20Robin Strand [37] [38] [40] [42] [43] [45] [47]
21Stina Svensson [12] [18] [21] [26] [29] [30] [31] [44]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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