
John R. Rose

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14 William H. Turkett, John R. Rose: Exploiting Belief Locality in Run-Time Decision-Theoretic Planners. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 856-857
13EEJohn R. Rose, William H. Turkett, Iulia C. Oroian, William W. Laegreid, John W. Keele: Correlation of amino acid preference and mammalian viral genome type. Bioinformatics 21(8): 1349-1357 (2005)
12EERobert Friedman, Vikram Ekollu, John R. Rose, Austin L. Hughes: Dblox: a genome-wide test for ancient segmental duplication. Bioinformatics 20(16): 2834-2835 (2004)
11EEWilliam H. Turkett, John R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns: Massive Deliberation. IEEE Internet Computing 7(1): 72-75 (2003)
10EEXizhou Feng, Duncan A. Buell, John R. Rose, Peter J. Waddell: Parallel algorithms for Bayesian phylogenetic inference. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(7-8): 707-718 (2003)
9EEJohn R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns, Soumik Sinha Roy, William H. Turkett: An agent architecture for long-term robustness. AAMAS 2002: 1149-1156
8EEMatti A. Vanninen, John R. Rose: Social Organization in a Software Agent Community with a Non-zero-Sum Game Interaction Model. RASTA 2002: 176-188
7EEJohn R. Rose, William H. Turkett, Michael N. Huhns, Soumik Sinha Roy: An Evaluation of Philosophical Agent Architectures for Mission Robustness. WRAC 2002: 201-214
6EEJohn R. Rose, Michael N. Huhns: Philosophical Agents. IEEE Internet Computing 5(3): 104- (2001)
5EEJohn R. Rose, Herbert L. Gelernter: Knowledge Discovery in Reaction Databases. CIKM 1993: 714-716
4EEJohn R. Rose, Hans Muller: Integrating the Scheme and C Languages. LISP and Functional Programming 1992: 247-259
3 Hans Muller, John R. Rose, James Kempf, Tayloe Stansbury: The Use of Multimethods and Method Combination in a CLOS Based Window System Interface. OOPSLA 1989: 239-253
2 John R. Rose: Fast Dispatch Mechanisms for Stock Hardware. OOPSLA 1988: 27-35
1 John R. Rose: Refined Types: Highly Differentiated Type Systems and Their Use in the Design of Intermediate Langages PLDI 1988: 278-287

Coauthor Index

1Duncan A. Buell [10]
2Vikram Ekollu [12]
3Xizhou Feng [10]
4Robert Friedman [12]
5Herbert L. Gelernter [5]
6Austin L. Hughes [12]
7Michael N. Huhns [6] [7] [9] [11]
8John W. Keele [13]
9James Kempf [3]
10William W. Laegreid [13]
11Hans Muller [3] [4]
12Iulia C. Oroian [13]
13Soumik Sinha Roy [7] [9]
14Tayloe Stansbury [3]
15William H. Turkett [7] [9] [11] [13] [14]
16Matti A. Vanninen [8]
17Peter J. Waddell [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)