
Michael Voss

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26EEArch Robison, Michael Voss, Alexey Kukanov: Optimization via Reflection on Work Stealing in TBB. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
25 Mihai Burcea, Michael Voss: Managing Compilation Overheads in a Runtime Specializer for OpenMP. IASTED PDCS 2005: 181-186
24EEYun Zhang, Michael Voss: Runtime Empirical Selection of Loop Schedulers on Hyperthreaded SMPs. IPDPS 2005
23 Yun Zhang, Mihai Burcea, Victor Cheng, Ron Ho, Michael Voss: An Adaptive OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Hyperthreaded SMPs. ISCA PDCS 2004: 256-263
22 Marek Olszewski, Michael Voss: Install-Time System for Automatic Generation of Optimized Parallel Sorting Algorithms. PDPTA 2004: 17-23
21EEMichael Voss, Eric Chiu, Patrick Man Yan Chow, Catherine Wong, Kevin Yuen: An Evaluation of Auto-Scoping in OpenMP. WOMPAT 2004: 98-109
20 Michael Voss: OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming, International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, WOMPAT 2003, Toronto, Canada, June 26-27, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
19EEChristian Thiffault, Michael Voss, Steven T. Healey, Seon Wook Kim: Dynamic Instrumentation of Large-Scale MPI and OpenMP Applications. IPDPS 2003: 65
18EEMihai Burcea, Michael Voss: A Runtime Optimization System for OpenMP. WOMPAT 2003: 42-53
17EESeon Wook Kim, Michael Voss, Bob Kuhn, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Wolfgang E. Nagel: VGV: Supporting Performance Analysis of Object-Oriented Mixed MPI/OpenMP Parallel Applications. IPDPS 2002
16 Rudolf Eigenmann, Michael Voss: OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming, International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, WOMPAT 2001, West Lafayette, IN, USA, July 30-31, 2001 Proceedings Springer 2001
15EEMichael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: High-level adaptive program optimization with ADAPT. PPOPP 2001: 93-102
14EESeung-Jai Min, Seon Wook Kim, Michael Voss, Sang Ik Lee, Rudolf Eigenmann: Portable Compilers for OpenMP. WOMPAT 2001: 11-19
13EEJay Hoeflinger, Bob Kuhn, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Paul Petersen, Hrabri Rajic, Sanjiv Shah, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Michael Voss, Renee Woo: An Integrated Performance Visualizer for MPI/OpenMP Programs. WOMPAT 2001: 40-52
12 Insung Park, Michael Voss, Seon Wook Kim, Rudolf Eigenmann: Parallel programming environment for OpenMP. Scientific Programming 9(2-3): 143-161 (2001)
11EEMichael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: A framework for remote dynamic program optimization. Dynamo 2000: 32-40
10EERon Cytron, Yoo C. Chung, Michael Voss: Summary of the Dynamo '00 panel discussion (Panel Session). Dynamo 2000: 79-81
9EEMichael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: ADAPT: Automated De-Coupled Adaptive Program Transformation. ICPP 2000: 163-
8 Michael Voss, Kwok Wai Yau, Rudolf Eigenmann: Interactive Instrumentation and Tuning of OpenMP Programs. PDPTA 2000
7 Stefan Kortmann, Insung Park, Michael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: Interactive and Modular Optimization with InterPol. PDPTA 2000
6EEMichael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: Reducing Parallel Overheads Through Dynamic Serialization. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 88-92
5 Michael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: Dynamically Adaptive Parallel Programs. ISHPC 1999: 109-120
4 Insung Park, Michael Voss, Brian Armstrong, Rudolf Eigenmann: Parallel Programming and Performance Evaluation with the URSA Tool Family. International Journal of Parallel Programming 26(5): 541-561 (1998)
3 Brian Armstrong, Seon Wook Kim, Insung Park, Michael Voss, Rudolf Eigenmann: Compiler-Based Tools for Analyzing Parallel Programs. Parallel Computing 24(3-4): 401-420 (1998)
2 Insung Park, Michael Voss, Brian Armstrong, Rudolf Eigenmann: Interactive Compilation and Performance Analysis with URSA MINOR. LCPC 1997: 163-176
1 Rudolf Eigenmann, Insung Park, Michael Voss: Are Parallel Workstations the Right Target for Parallelizing Compilers? LCPC 1996: 300-314

Coauthor Index

1Brian Armstrong [2] [3] [4]
2Mihai Burcea [18] [23] [25]
3Victor Cheng [23]
4Eric Chiu [21]
5Patrick Man Yan Chow [21]
6Yoo C. Chung [10]
7Ron Cytron (Ron K. Cytron) [10]
8Rudolf Eigenmann [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
9Steven T. Healey [19]
10Ron Ho [23]
11Jay Hoeflinger [13]
12Hans-Christian Hoppe [17]
13Seon Wook Kim [3] [12] [14] [17] [19]
14Stefan Kortmann [7]
15Bob Kuhn [13] [17]
16Alexey Kukanov [26]
17Sang Ik Lee [14]
18Seung-Jai Min [14]
19Wolfgang E. Nagel [13] [17]
20Marek Olszewski [22]
21Insung Park [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [12]
22Paul Petersen [13]
23Hrabri Rajic [13]
24Arch Robison [26]
25Sanjiv Shah [13]
26Christian Thiffault [19]
27Jeffrey S. Vetter [13]
28Catherine Wong [21]
29Renee Woo [13]
30Kwok Wai Yau [8]
31Kevin Yuen [21]
32Yun Zhang [23] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)