
Christian G. Huber

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10EEOle Schulz-Trieglaff, Rene Hussong, Clemens Gröpl, Andreas Leinenbach, Andreas Hildebrandt, Christian G. Huber, Knut Reinert: Computational Quantification of Peptides from LC-MS Data. Journal of Computational Biology 15(7): 685-704 (2008)
9EEEva Lange, Clemens Gröpl, Ole Schulz-Trieglaff, Andreas Leinenbach, Christian G. Huber, Knut Reinert: A geometric approach for the alignment of liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry data. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 273-281
8 Christian G. Huber, Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert: Computational Proteomics, 20.-25. November 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
7EEClemens Gröpl, Eva Lange, Knut Reinert, Oliver Kohlbacher, Marc Sturm, Christian G. Huber, Bettina M. Mayr, Christoph L. Klein: Algorithms for the Automated Absolute Quantification of Diagnostic Markers in Complex Proteomics Samples. CompLife 2005: 151-162
6EEChristian G. Huber, Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert: 05471 Abstract Collection - Computational Proteomics. Computational Proteomics 2005
5EEChristian G. Huber, Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert: 05471 Executive Summary - Computational Proteomics. Computational Proteomics 2005
4EEMarc Sturm, Sascha Quinten, Christian G. Huber, Oliver Kohlbacher: A machine learning approach for prediction of DNA and peptide retention times. Computational Proteomics 2005
3EENathanaël Delmotte, Bettina M. Mayr, Andreas Leinenbach, Knut Reinert, Oliver Kohlbacher, Christoph L. Klein, Christian G. Huber: Evaluation of LC-MS data for the absolute quantitative analysis of marker proteins. Computational Proteomics 2005
2EEHansjörg Toll, Peter Berger, Andreas Hofmann, Andreas Hildebrandt, Herbert Oberacher, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Christian G. Huber: Glycosylation Patterns of Proteins Studied by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatic Tools. Computational Proteomics 2005
1EEChristian Schley, Matthias Altmeyer, Rolf Müller, Christian G. Huber: Multidimensional Peptide/Protein Analysis and Identification by Sequence Database Search Using Mass Spectrometric Data. Computational Proteomics 2005

Coauthor Index

1Matthias Altmeyer [1]
2Peter Berger [2]
3Nathanaël Delmotte [3]
4Clemens Gröpl [7] [9] [10]
5Andreas Hildebrandt [2] [10]
6Andreas Hofmann [2]
7Rene Hussong [10]
8Christoph L. Klein [3] [7]
9Oliver Kohlbacher [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Eva Lange [7] [9]
11Andreas Leinenbach [3] [9] [10]
12Hans-Peter Lenhof [2]
13Bettina M. Mayr [3] [7]
14Rolf Müller [1]
15Herbert Oberacher [2]
16Sascha Quinten [4]
17Knut Reinert [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
18Christian Schley [1]
19Ole Schulz-Trieglaff [9] [10]
20Marc Sturm [4] [7]
21Hansjörg Toll [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)