Volume 24,
Number 1,
February 2007
Volume 24,
Number 2,
May 2007
Volume 24,
Number 3,
August 2007
Mobile Communications:
From Cellular to Ad-hoc and Beyond
- Erik Bohlin, Jean Claude Burgelman, Carlos Rodriguez Casal:
Special issue on mobile communications: From cellular to ad-hoc and beyond.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Theo Dunnewijk, Staffan Hultén:
A brief history of mobile communication in Europe.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Arnd Weber:
The convergence of mobile data phones, consumer electronics, and wallets: Lessons from Japan.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Pieter Ballon:
Changing business models for Europe's mobile telecommunications industry: The impact of alternative wireless technologies.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Colin Blackman, Simon Forge, Erik Bohlin, Bernard Clements:
Forecasting user demand for wireless services: A socio-economic approach for Europe.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Erik Bohlin:
Business models and financial impacts of future mobile broadband networks.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Erik Bohlin, Jean Claude Burgelman, Carlos Rodriguez Casal:
The future of mobile communications in the EU.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 24,
Number 4,
November 2007
Next generation broadband - Content and user perspectives
- Morten Falch, Reza Tadayoni:
Next generation broadband - Content and user perspectives.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Morten Falch:
Penetration of broadband services - The role of policies.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Anthony Cawley, Paschal Preston:
Broadband and digital 'content' in the EU-25: Recent trends and challenges.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Claudio Feijóo, José Fernández-Beaumont, José Luis Gómez Barroso, Ana Ángeles Marín, David Rojo-Alonso:
The emergence of IP interactive multimedia services and the evolution of the traditional audiovisual public service regulatory approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Peggy Valcke, David Stevens:
Graduated regulation of 'regulatable' content and the European Audiovisual Media Services Directive: One small step for the industry and one giant leap for the legislator?
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Mijke Slot:
Changing user roles in ICT developments; the case of digital television.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Eva Lievens:
Protecting children in the new media environment: Rising to the regulatory challenge?
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Reza Tadayoni, Halldór Matthías Sigurðsson:
Development of alternative broadband infrastructures - Case studies from Denmark.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Halldór Matthías Sigurðsson, Ulfur Ron Halldorsson, Gerhard Haßlinger:
Potentials and challenges of peer-to-peer based content distribution.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:25:28 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)