San Francisco,
USA - Volume 3
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '96,
The Conference on Computer Communications,
Fifteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies,
Networking the Next Generation,
March 24-28,
San Francisco,
ISBN 0-8186-7292-7
Session 8A:
Optical 3:
WDM Channel Access
Session 8B:
ATM 4:
Sytem Modeling
Session 8C:
Session 8D:
QoS 3:
Losses & Resource Management
Session 9A:
Multimedia 3:
VBR Video Protocols
Session 9B:
Wireless 4:
Scheduling & Performance
Session 9C:
Protocol Design and Testing
Session 9D:
Rate-Based Flow Control Systems
Session 10A:
Optical 4:
WDM Performance
Session 10B:
ATM 5:
Connectionless Service
- T. V. Lakshman, Arnold L. Neidhardt, Teunis J. Ott:
The Drop from Front Strategy in TCP and in TCP over ATM.
1242-1250 BibTeX
- Peter Newman, Thomas L. Lyon, Greg Minshall:
Flow Labelled IP: A Connectionless Approach to ATM.
1251-1260 BibTeX
- Jenwei Hsieh, David Hung-Chang Du, James A. MacDonald, Joseph P. Thomas, Jack Pugaczewski, Jeff Kays, Melissa Wiklund:
Experimental Study of Extended HIPPI Connections over ATM Networks.
1261-1268 BibTeX
- Hongqing Li, Kai-Yeung Siu, Hong-Yi Tzeng, Chinatsu Ikeda, Hiroshi Suzuki:
A Simulation Study of TCP Performance in ATM Networks with ABR and UBR Services.
1269-1276 BibTeX
Session 10C:
Network Routing and Management
Session 10D:
Queueing Analysis of Network Elements 2
Session 11A:
Multimedia 4:
Scheduling & Management
Session 11B:
Wireless 5:
Handoff & Mobility
Session 11C:
Multicast 3:
Reliable Transport
Session 11D:
Traffic 3:
Self Similar
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:24:02 2009
by Michael Ley (