
Jork Löser

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6EEPaul England, Jork Löser: Para-Virtualized TPM Sharing. TRUST 2008: 119-132
5EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig: Low-Latency Hard Real-Time Communication over Switched Ethernet. ECRTS 2004: 13-22
4EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig: Using Switched Ethernet for Hard Real-Time Communication. PARELEC 2004: 349-353
3EEKlaus Hering, Jork Löser, Jens Markwardt: dibSIM: a parallel functional logic simulator allowing dynamic load balancing. DATE 2001: 472-478
2EEJork Löser, Hermann Härtig, Lars Reuther: A Streaming Interface for Real-Time Interprocess Communication. HotOS 2001: 174
1EEClaude-Joachim Hamann, Lars Reuther, Jork Wolter, Hermann Härtig, Jork Löser, Sebastian Schönberg: Quality-Assuring Scheduling-Using Stochastic Behavior to Improve Resource Utilization. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2001: 119-128

Coauthor Index

1Paul England [6]
2Claude-Joachim Hamann [1]
3Hermann Härtig (Hermann Haertig) [1] [2] [4] [5]
4Klaus Hering [3]
5Jens Markwardt [3]
6Lars Reuther [1] [2]
7Sebastian Schönberg [1]
8Jork Wolter [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)