
G. Dányi

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7 G. Dányi: A component Hierarchy of lambda-, and Chain-free Cooperating Distributed Context Free Grammars. Bulletin of the EATCS 74: 229-233 (2001)
6EEG. Dányi, Zoltán Fülöp: The component hierarchy of chain-free cooperating distributed regular tree grammars. Theor. Comput. Sci. 262(1): 229-240 (2001)
5EEG. Dányi, Zoltán Fülöp: Compositions with Superlinear Deterministic Top-Down Tree Transformations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 194(1-2): 57-85 (1998)
4EEBéla Csaba, G. Dányi: Server Problems and Regular Languages. Acta Cybern. 13(1): 23-40 (1997)
3EEG. Dányi, Zoltán Fülöp: A Note on the Equivalence Problem of E-Patterns. Inf. Process. Lett. 57(3): 125-128 (1996)
2 G. Dányi, Zoltán Fülöp: Superlinear Deterministic Top-Down Tree Transducers. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(5): 507-534 (1996)
1 János Toczki, Ferenc Kocsis, Tibor Gyimóthy, G. Dányi, Gabriella Kókai: SYS/3 - A Software Development Tool. CC 1990: 193-207

Coauthor Index

1Béla Csaba [4]
2Zoltán Fülöp [2] [3] [5] [6]
3Tibor Gyimóthy [1]
4Ferenc Kocsis [1]
5Gabriella Kókai [1]
6János Toczki [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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