
Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.

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19 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: The E-L system support for process programs. ISPW 1990: 65-68
18 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Process programing and process model. ISPW 1989: 49-51
17 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Activity coordination porgrams. ISPW 1988: 57-60
16 Michun Hsu, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Rule Execution in CPLEX: A Persistent Objectbase. OODBS 1988: 150-155
15 Robert Balzer, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., C. Cordell Green: Software technology in the 1990's: using a new paradigm. ISPW 1984: 3-9
14 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Reusability Through Program Transformations. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(5): 589-594 (1984)
13 Robert Balzer, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., C. Cordell Green: Software Technology in the 1990's: Using a New Paradigm. IEEE Computer 16(11): 39-45 (1983)
12 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., Glenn H. Holloway, Judy A. Townley: Program Refinement by Transsformation. ICSE 1981: 430-438
11 Robert Balzer, Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Editorial: Program Transformations. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(1): 1-2 (1981)
10 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., Judy A. Townley, Glenn H. Holloway: A System for Program Refinement. ICSE 1979: 53-62
9 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., Glenn H. Holloway, Judy A. Townley: Symbolic Evaluation and the Analysis of Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(4): 402-417 (1979)
8 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Programming language design issues. Design and Implementation of Programming Languages 1976: 399-435
7 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., Judy A. Townley: A Look at Programming and Programming Systems. Advances in Computers 14: 45-76 (1976)
6 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., Judy A. Townley: A proposed system for structured programming. Symposium on Programming 1974: 33-40
5 Thomas E. Cheatham Jr.: The Recent Evolution of Programming Languages. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 298-313
4EEThomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Editor's note: A successor to ALGOL? Commun. ACM 7(7): 422 (1964)
3EEThomas E. Cheatham Jr.: Programming languages. Commun. ACM 6(7): 391-395 (1963)
2EEThomas E. Cheatham Jr., Stephen Warshall: Translation of retrieval requests couched in a "semiformal" English-like language. Commun. ACM 5(1): 34-39 (1962)
1EEThomas E. Cheatham Jr., G. O. Collins Jr., Gene F. Leonard: CL-I, an environment for a compiler. Commun. ACM 4(1): 23-28 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Balzer [11] [13] [15]
2G. O. Collins Jr. [1]
3C. Cordell Green [13] [15]
4Glenn H. Holloway [9] [10] [12]
5Michun Hsu [16]
6Gene F. Leonard [1]
7Judy A. Townley [6] [7] [9] [10] [12]
8Stephen Warshall [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)