
Wolfgang Polak

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20EEPatrick Chiu, Jeffrey Huang, Maribeth Back, Nicholas Diakopoulos, John Doherty, Wolfgang Polak, Xiaohua Sun: mTable: browsing photos and videos on a tabletop system. ACM Multimedia 2008: 1107-1108
19EEVolker Roth, Wolfgang Polak, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Thea Turner: Simple and effective defense against evil twin access points. WISEC 2008: 220-235
18EEXiaohua Sun, Patrick Chiu, Jeffrey Huang, Maribeth Back, Wolfgang Polak: Implicit brushing and target snapping: data exploration and sense-making on large displays. AVI 2006: 258-261
17EEW. Brian Arthur, Wolfgang Polak: The evolution of technology within a simple computer model. Complexity 11(5): 23-31 (2006)
16EEPatrick Chiu, Andreas Girgensohn, Surapong Lertsithichai, Wolfgang Polak, Frank M. Shipman III: MediaMetro: browsing multimedia document collections with a 3D city metaphor. ACM Multimedia 2005: 213-214
15 Wolfgang Polak: Formal methods in practice. Sci. Comput. Program. 42(1): 75-85 (2002)
14 Patrick Chiu, Andreas Girgensohn, Wolfgang Polak, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Lynn Wilcox, Forrest H. Bennett III: A Genetic Segmentation Algorithm for Image Data Streams and Video. GECCO 2000: 666-673
13 Patrick Chiu, Andreas Girgensohn, Wolfgang Polak, Eleanor G. Rieffel, Lynn Wilcox: A Genetic Algorithm for Video Segmentation and Summarization. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1329-1332
12EEEleanor G. Rieffel, Wolfgang Polak: An introduction to quantum computing for non-physicists. ACM Comput. Surv. 32(3): 300-335 (2000)
11EEWolfgang Polak: Formal Methods in Practice. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 25: (1999)
10EEEleanor G. Rieffel, Wolfgang Polak: An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists CoRR quant-ph/9809016: (1998)
9 David Guaspari, Carla Marceau, Wolfgang Polak: Formal Verification of Ada Programs. Larch 1992: 104-141
8EEDavid Guaspari, Carla Marceau, Wolfgang Polak: Formal Verification of Ada Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(9): 1058-1075 (1990)
7 Wolfgang Polak: Framework for a Knowledge-Based Programming Environment. Advanced Programming Environments 1986: 566-575
6 Allen Goldberg, C. Cordell Green, Wolfgang Polak, Richard Jüllig: Iteration in the software process. ISPW 1986: 105-108
5 Wolfgang Polak: Programmverification at Stanford: Past, Present Future. GWAI 1981: 256-276
4 Wolfgang Polak: Program Verification Based on Denotational Semantics. POPL 1981: 149-158
3EEDavid C. Luckham, Wolfgang Polak: Ada Exception Handling: An Axiomatic Approach. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 2(2): 225-233 (1980)
2 Wolfgang Polak: An Exercise in Automatic Program Verification. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(5): 453-458 (1979)
1 Wolfgang Polak: Anwendung der axiomatischen Definitionsmethode auf höhere Programmiersprachen. Fachtagung über Programmiersprachen 1976: 12-18

Coauthor Index

1W. Brian Arthur [17]
2Maribeth Back [18] [20]
3Forrest H. Bennett III [14]
4Patrick Chiu [13] [14] [16] [18] [20]
5Nicholas Diakopoulos [20]
6John Doherty [20]
7Andreas Girgensohn [13] [14] [16]
8Allen Goldberg [6]
9C. Cordell Green [6]
10David Guaspari [8] [9]
11Jeffrey Huang [18] [20]
12Richard Jüllig [6]
13Surapong Lertsithichai [16]
14David C. Luckham [3]
15Carla Marceau [8] [9]
16Eleanor G. Rieffel [10] [12] [13] [14] [19]
17Volker Roth [19]
18Frank M. Shipman III [16]
19Xiaohua Sun [18] [20]
20Thea Turner [19]
21Lynn Wilcox [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)