
Alejandro F. González

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7EEGilberto A. Gutiérrez, Gonzalo Navarro, Andrea Rodríguez, Alejandro F. González, José Orellana: A spatio-temporal access method based on snapshots and events. GIS 2005: 115-124
6EEAlejandro F. González, Pinaki Mazumder: Comparison of Bistable Circuits Based on Resonant-Tunneling Diodes. VLSI Design 2003: 493-492
5EEAlejandro F. González, Mayukh Bhattacharya, Shriram Kulkarni, Pinaki Mazumder: Standard CMOS Implementation of a Multiple-Valued Logic Signed-Digit Adder Based on Negative Differential-Resistance Devices. ISMVL 2000: 323-
4EEAlejandro F. González, Pinaki Mazumder: Redundant arithmetic, algorithms and implementations. Integration 30(1): 13-53 (2000)
3EEPinaki Mazumder, Shriram Kulkarni, Mayukh Bhattacharya, Alejandro F. González: Circuit Design using Resonant Tunneling Diodes. VLSI Design 1998: 501-506
2 Alejandro F. González, Pinaki Mazumder: Multiple-Valued Signed-Digit Adder Using Negative Differential-Resistance Devices. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(9): 947-959 (1998)
1EEAlejandro F. González, Pinaki Mazumder: Compact Signed-Digit Adder Using Multiple-Valued Logic. ARVLSI 1997: 96-113

Coauthor Index

1Mayukh Bhattacharya [3] [5]
2Gilberto A. Gutiérrez [7]
3Shriram Kulkarni [3] [5]
4Pinaki Mazumder [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Gonzalo Navarro [7]
6José Orellana [7]
7Andrea Rodríguez [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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