2009 |
110 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 10th International Conference, CICLing 2009, Mexico City, Mexico, March 1-7, 2009. Proceedings
Springer 2009 |
109 | EE | Alfredo Monroy,
Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
NLP for Shallow Question Answering of Legal Documents Using Graphs.
CICLing 2009: 498-508 |
108 | EE | Sergio Jimenez,
Claudia Becerra,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Fabio Gonzalez:
Generalized Mongue-Elkan Method for Approximate Text String Comparison.
CICLing 2009: 559-570 |
2008 |
107 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Michel E. Adiba:
Ninth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC 2008, 6-10 October 2008, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
IEEE Computer Society 2008 |
106 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 9th International Conference, CICLing 2008, Haifa, Israel, February 17-23, 2008, Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
105 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Eduardo F. Morales:
MICAI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 7th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Mexico, October 27-31, 2008, Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
104 | EE | Yulia Ledeneva,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
René Arnulfo García-Hernández:
Terms Derived from Frequent Sequences for Extractive Text Summarization.
CICLing 2008: 593-604 |
103 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Elena I. Bolshakova,
Alexey P. Kotlyarov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Various Criteria of Collocation Cohesion in Internet: Comparison of Resolving Power.
CICLing 2008: 64-72 |
102 | | Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Fernando Arango Isaza:
UN-LENCEP: A Controlled Language for Pre-conceptual Schema Specification.
JIISIC 2008: 269-276 |
101 | EE | René Arnulfo García-Hernández,
Romyna Montiel,
Yulia Ledeneva,
Eréndira Rendón,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Rafael Cruz:
Text Summarization by Sentence Extraction Using Unsupervised Learning.
MICAI 2008: 133-143 |
100 | EE | Alfredo Monroy,
Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Using Graphs for Shallow Question Answering on Legal Documents.
MICAI 2008: 165-173 |
99 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Diego Lara-Reyes,
Liliana Chanona-Hernández:
Division of Spanish Words into Morphemes with a Genetic Algorithm.
NLDB 2008: 19-26 |
98 | EE | Javier Tejada-Cárcamo,
Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Improving Unsupervised WSD with a Dynamic Thesaurus.
TSD 2008: 201-210 |
2007 |
97 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 8th International Conference, CICLing 2007, Mexico City, Mexico, February 18-24, 2007.
Springer 2007 |
96 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Angel Fernando Kuri Morales:
MICAI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aguascalientes, Mexico, November 4-10, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
95 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Distribution-Based Semantic Similarity of Nouns.
CIARP 2007: 704-713 |
94 | EE | Harri M. T. Saarikoski,
Steve Legrand,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Case-Sensitivity of Classifiers for WSD: Complex Systems Disambiguate Tough Words Better.
CICLing 2007: 253-266 |
93 | EE | M. Jose A. Zarate,
Rodolfo A. Pazos,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Joaquín Pérez Ortega:
Improving the Customization of Natural Language Interface to Databases Using an Ontology.
ICCSA (1) 2007: 424-435 |
92 | EE | Juan Javier González Barbosa,
Rodolfo A. Pazos,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Héctor J. Fraire H.,
I. Cristina Cruz C.:
Prepositions and Conjunctions in a Natural Language Interfaces to Databases.
ISPA Workshops 2007: 173-182 |
91 | EE | Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo,
Guillermo González,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
A Rule-Based System for Assessing Consistency Between UML Models.
MICAI 2007: 215-224 |
90 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Web-Based Model for Disambiguation of Prepositional Phrase Usage.
MICAI 2007: 922-932 |
89 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Liliana Chanona-Hernández:
Lexical-Based Alignment for Reconstruction of Structure in Parallel Texts.
NLDB 2007: 401-406 |
88 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Two Methods of Evaluation of Semantic Similarity of Nouns Based on Their Modifier Sets.
NLDB 2007: 414-419 |
2006 |
87 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 7th International Conference, CICLing 2006, Mexico City, Mexico, February 19-25, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
86 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Carlos A. Reyes García:
MICAI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Apizaco, Mexico, November 13-17, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
85 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov:
Alignment of Paragraphs in Bilingual Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming.
CIARP 2006: 824-833 |
84 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
José Ángel Vera-Félix:
A Bilingual Corpus of Novels Aligned at Paragraph Level.
FinTAL 2006: 16-23 |
83 | EE | Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Fernando Arango Isaza:
Pre-conceptual Schema: A Conceptual-Graph-Like Knowledge Representation for Requirements Elicitation.
MICAI 2006: 27-37 |
82 | EE | Crina Grosan,
Ajith Abraham,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Evolutionary Method for Nonlinear Systems of Equations.
MICAI 2006: 283-293 |
81 | EE | Harri M. T. Saarikoski,
Steve Legrand,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Defining Classifier Regions for WSD Ensembles Using Word Space Features.
MICAI 2006: 855-867 |
80 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
DILUCT: An Open-Source Spanish Dependency Parser Based on Rules, Heuristics, and Selectional Preferences.
NLDB 2006: 164-175 |
79 | EE | Pavel Makagonov,
Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Studying Evolution of a Branch of Knowledge by Constructing and Analyzing Its Ontology.
NLDB 2006: 37-45 |
78 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
José Ángel Vera-Félix:
Paragraph-Level Alignment of an English-Spanish Parallel Corpus of Fiction Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries.
TSD 2006: 61-67 |
77 | EE | NamOh Kang,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Sang-Yong Han:
PPChecker: Plagiarism Pattern Checker in Document Copy Detection.
TSD 2006: 661-667 |
2005 |
76 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 6th International Conference, CICLing 2005, Mexico City, Mexico, February 13-19, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
75 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Alvaro de Albornoz,
Hugo Terashima-Marín:
MICAI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 4th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Monterrey, Mexico, November 14-18, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
74 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Adam Kilgarriff:
Distributional Thesaurus Versus WordNet: A Comparison of Backoff Techniques for Unsupervised PP Attachment.
CICLing 2005: 177-188 |
73 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Unsupervised Learning of P NP P Word Combinations.
CICLing 2005: 337-340 |
72 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Namo Kang,
Sang-Yong Han:
Experiment on Combining Sources of Evidence for Passage Retrieval.
CICLing 2005: 628-631 |
71 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Natural Language Processing.
HIS 2005: 6 |
70 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Namo Kang,
Sangyong Han:
Combining Sources of Evidence for Recognition of Relevant Passages in Texts.
ISSADS 2005: 283-290 |
69 | EE | Crina Grosan,
Ajith Abraham,
Sangyong Han,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Hybrid Particle Swarm - Evolutionary Algorithm for Search and Optimization.
MICAI 2005: 623-632 |
68 | EE | Ajith Abraham,
Crina Grosan,
Sang-Yong Han,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Approach for Evolving Ensemble of Intelligent Paradigms for Stock Market Modeling.
MICAI 2005: 673-681 |
67 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Towards the Automatic Learning of Idiomatic Prepositional Phrases.
MICAI 2005: 780-789 |
66 | EE | Rodolfo A. Pazos Rangel,
Joaquín Pérez Ortega,
Juan Javier González Barbosa,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Myriam J. Rodríguez M.:
A Domain Independent Natural Language Interface to Databases Capable of Processing Complex Queries.
MICAI 2005: 833-842 |
65 | EE | Mikhail Alexandrov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Paolo Rosso:
An Approach to Clustering Abstracts.
NLDB 2005: 275-285 |
64 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Sang-Yong Han:
On Some Optimization Heuristics for Lesk-Like WSD Algorithms.
NLDB 2005: 402-405 |
63 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Detection and Correction of Malapropisms in Spanish by Means of Internet Search.
TSD 2005: 115-122 |
62 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Yoel Ledo Mezquita:
Some linguistic methods of improving the quality of document retrieval on the internet.
IJEB 3(3/4): 264-275 (2005) |
2004 |
61 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 5th International Conference, CICLing 2004, Seoul, Korea, February 15-21, 2004, Proceedings
Springer 2004 |
60 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
On Correction of Semantic Errors in Natural Language Texts with a Dictionary of Literal Paronyms.
AWIC 2004: 105-114 |
59 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Web-Based Sources for an Annotated Corpus Building and Composite Proper Name Identification.
AWIC 2004: 115-124 |
58 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Unsupervised Learning of Ontology-Linked Selectional Preferences.
CIARP 2004: 418-424 |
57 | EE | Kwangcheol Shin,
Sang-Yong Han,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Jaehwa Park:
Advanced Relevance Feedback Query Expansion Strategy for Information Retrieval in MEDLINE.
CIARP 2004: 425-431 |
56 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Mikhail Alexandrov,
Sang-Yong Han:
Detecting Inflection Patterns in Natural Language by Minimization of Morphological Model.
CIARP 2004: 432-438 |
55 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Sang-Yong Han,
Erika Hernández-Rubio:
Automatic Syntactic Analysis for Detection of Word Combinations.
CICLing 2004: 243-247 |
54 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Extracting Semantic Categories of Nouns for Syntactic Disambiguation from Human-Oriented Explanatory Dictionaries.
CICLing 2004: 258-261 |
53 | EE | Kwangcheol Shin,
Sang-Yong Han,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Advanced Clustering Technique for Medical Data Using Semantic Information.
MICAI 2004: 322-331 |
52 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Recognition of Named Entities in Spanish Texts.
MICAI 2004: 420-429 |
51 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Sang-Yong Han,
Erika Hernández-Rubio:
Automatic Enrichment of Very Large Dictionary of Word Combinations on the Basis of Dependency Formalism.
MICAI 2004: 430-437 |
50 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Acquiring Selectional Preferences from Untagged Text for Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation.
NLDB 2004: 207-216 |
49 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Synonymous Paraphrasing Using WordNet and Internet.
NLDB 2004: 312-323 |
48 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Identification of Composite Named Entities in a Spanish Textual Database.
NLDB 2004: 395-400 |
47 | EE | Pavel Makagonov,
Mikhail Alexandrov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Clustering Abstracts Instead of Full Texts.
TSD 2004: 129-136 |
46 | EE | Kwangcheol Shin,
Sang-Yong Han,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Balancing Manual and Automatic Indexing for Retrieval of Paper Abstracts.
TSD 2004: 203-210 |
2003 |
45 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 4th International Conference, CICLing 2003, Mexico City, Mexico, February 16-22, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
44 | EE | Hiram Calvo,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Improving Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation Using the Web as Corpus.
CIARP 2003: 604-610 |
43 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov:
Approach to Construction of Automatic Morphological Analysis Systems for Inflective Languages with Little Effort.
CICLing 2003: 215-220 |
42 | EE | Yoel Ledo Mezquita,
Grigori Sidorov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Tool for Computer-Aided Spanish Word Sense Disambiguation.
CICLing 2003: 277-280 |
41 | EE | J. Antonio Zárate M.,
Rodolfo A. Pazos,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
J. Isabel Padrón C.:
A Portable Natural Language Interface for Diverse Databases Using Ontologies.
CICLing 2003: 494-505 |
40 | EE | Raúl Morales Carrasco,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Evaluation of TnT Tagger for Spanish.
ENC 2003: 18-25 |
39 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Sang-Yong Han,
Liliana Chanona-Hernández:
Automatic Evaluation of Quality of an Explanatory Dictionary by Comparison of Word Senses.
Ershov Memorial Conference 2003: 556-562 |
38 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Serguei Levachkine,
Sang-Yong Han:
Resolving Ambiguities in Toponym Recognition in Cartographic Maps.
GREC 2003: 75-86 |
37 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Mikhail Alexandrov,
Ales Bourek,
Pavel Makagonov:
Selection of Representative Documents for Clusters in a Document Collection.
NLDB 2003: 120-126 |
36 | | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
On Detection of Malapropisms by Multistage Collocation Testing.
NLDB 2003: 28-41 |
35 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Sofía N. Galicia-Haro:
Stable Coordinated Pairs in Text Processing.
TSD 2003: 27-34 |
2002 |
34 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Third International Conference, CICLing 2002, Mexico City, Mexico, February 17-23, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
33 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Quantitative Comparison of Homonymy in Spanish EuroWordNet and Traditional Dictionaries.
CICLing 2002: 280-284 |
32 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Liliana Chanona-Hernández:
Compilation of a Spanish Representative Corpus.
CICLing 2002: 285-288 |
31 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov:
Automatic Selection of Defining Vocabulary in an Explanatory Dictionary.
CICLing 2002: 300-303 |
30 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López:
Text Mining at Detail Level Using Conceptual Graphs.
ICCS 2002: 122-136 |
29 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López:
Detecting Deviations in Text Collections: An Approach Using Conceptual Graphs.
MICAI 2002: 176-184 |
28 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
On Semantic Classification of Modifiers.
NLDB 2002: 172-182 |
27 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Heuristics-Based Replenishment of Collocation Databases.
PorTAL 2002: 25-32 |
26 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas:
Relational Data Model in Document Hierarchical Indexing.
PorTAL 2002: 259-262 |
25 | EE | Rodolfo A. Pazos,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Juan Javier González Barbosa,
Erika Alarcón Ruiz,
Alejandro Mendoza Mejía,
A. Patricia Domínguez Sánchez:
Spanish Natural Language Interface for a Relational Database Querying System.
TSD 2002: 123-130 |
2001 |
24 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Second International Conference, CICLing 2001, Mexico-City, Mexico, February 18-24, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
23 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Three Mechanisms of Parser Driving for Structure Disambiguation.
CICLing 2001: 192-194 |
22 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov:
Zipf and Heaps Laws' Coefficients Depend on Language.
CICLing 2001: 332-335 |
21 | EE | Mikhail Alexandrov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
George Lozovoi:
Chi-Square Classifier for Document Categorization.
CICLing 2001: 457-459 |
20 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Aurelio López-López,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Finding Correlative Associations among News Topics.
CICLing 2001: 524-526 |
19 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López,
Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates:
Flexible Comparison of Conceptual GraphsWork done under partial support of CONACyT, CGEPI-IPN, and SNI, Mexico.
DEXA 2001: 102-111 |
18 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López:
A Statistical Approach to the Discovery of Ephemeral Associations among News Topics.
DEXA 2001: 491-500 |
17 | | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas:
Document Indexing With a Concept Hierarchy.
NDDL 2001: 47-54 |
16 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Text Segmentation into Paragraphs Based on Local Text Cohesion.
TSD 2001: 158-166 |
15 | | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López,
Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates:
Minería de texto empleando grafos conceptuales.
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 27: 115-122 (2001) |
14 | | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Una aproximación para resolución de ambigüedad estructural empleando tres mecanismos diferentes.
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 27: 55-64 (2001) |
2000 |
13 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Aurelio López-López,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Information Retrieval with Conceptual Graph Matching.
DEXA 2000: 312-321 |
12 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Lazy Query Enrichment: A Method for Indexing Large Specialized Document Bases with Morphology and Concept Hierarchy.
DEXA 2000: 526-535 |
11 | EE | Mikhail Alexandrov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Pavel Makagonov:
Evaluation of Thematic Structure of Multidisciplinary Documents and Document Flows.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 125-132 |
10 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Coherence Maintenance in Human-Machine Dialogue: Indirect Antecedents and Ellipses.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 96-102 |
9 | | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López:
Comparison of Conceptual Graphs.
MICAI 2000: 548-556 |
8 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
A Very Large Database of Collocations and Semantic Links.
NLDB 2000: 103-114 |
7 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Igor A. Bolshakov:
Dictionary-Based Method for Coherence Maintenance in Man-Machine Dialogue with Indirect Antecedents and Ellipses.
TSD 2000: 357-362 |
1999 |
6 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas:
Document Comparison with a Weighted Topic Hierarchy.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 566-570 |
5 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas:
A Method of Describing Document Contents through Topic Selection.
SPIRE/CRIWG 1999: 73-80 |
4 | EE | Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Grigori Sidorov,
Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas:
Use of a Weighted Topic Hierarchy for Document Classification.
TSD 1999: 133-138 |
3 | EE | Sofía N. Galicia-Haro,
Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh:
A Simple Spanish Part of Speech Tagger for Detection and Correction of Accentuation Error.
TSD 1999: 219-222 |
2 | EE | Igor A. Bolshakov,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Sofía N. Galicia-Haro:
Electronic Dictionaries: For both Humans and Computers.
TSD 1999: 365-368 |
1 | EE | Manuel Montes-y-Gómez,
Alexander F. Gelbukh,
Aurelio López-López:
Document Title Patterns in Information Retrieval.
TSD 1999: 372-375 |