
Elena I. Bolshakova

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4EEIgor A. Bolshakov, Elena I. Bolshakova, Alexey P. Kotlyarov, Alexander F. Gelbukh: Various Criteria of Collocation Cohesion in Internet: Comparison of Resolving Power. CICLing 2008: 64-72
3EEIgor A. Bolshakov, Elena I. Bolshakova: Dictionary-Free Morphological Classifier of Russian Nouns. FinTAL 2006: 237-244
2EEIgor A. Bolshakov, Elena I. Bolshakova: Measurements of Lexico-Syntactic Cohesion by Means of Internet. MICAI 2005: 790-799
1EEElena I. Bolshakova: Recognition of Author's Scientific and Technical Terms. CICLing 2001: 281-290

Coauthor Index

1Igor A. Bolshakov [2] [3] [4]
2Alexander F. Gelbukh [4]
3Alexey P. Kotlyarov [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)