
Pavel Makagonov

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11EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa, Alexander F. Gelbukh: Studying Evolution of a Branch of Knowledge by Constructing and Analyzing Its Ontology. NLDB 2006: 37-45
10EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa: A Method of Rapid Prototyping of Evolving Ontologies. CICLing 2005: 746-749
9EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa: Study of Knowledge Evolution in Parallel Computing by Short Texts Analysis. CIARP 2004: 439-445
8EEMikhail Alexandrov, Xavier Blanco, Pavel Makagonov: Testing Word Similarity: Language Independent Approach with Examples from Romance. NLDB 2004: 229-241
7EEPavel Makagonov, Mikhail Alexandrov, Alexander F. Gelbukh: Clustering Abstracts Instead of Full Texts. TSD 2004: 129-136
6 Alexander F. Gelbukh, Mikhail Alexandrov, Ales Bourek, Pavel Makagonov: Selection of Representative Documents for Clusters in a Document Collection. NLDB 2003: 120-126
5EEPavel Makagonov, Mikhail Alexandrov: Empirical Formula for Testing Word Similarity and Its Application for Constructing a Word Frequency List. CICLing 2002: 425-432
4EEPavel Makagonov, Mikhail Alexandrov: Constructing Empirical Formulas for Testing Word Similarity by the Inductive Method of Model Self-Organization. PorTAL 2002: 239-248
3EEPavel Makagonov, Konstantin Sboychakov: Software for Creating Domain-Oriented Dictionaries and Document Clustering in Full-Text Databases. CICLing 2001: 454-456
2EEMikhail Alexandrov, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Pavel Makagonov: Evaluation of Thematic Structure of Multidisciplinary Documents and Document Flows. DEXA Workshop 2000: 125-132
1 Pavel Makagonov, Mikhail Alexandrov: Analysis of the Contents of Educational Courses with Special Statistical and Graphical Methods. Teleteaching 1998: 679-684

Coauthor Index

1Mikhail Alexandrov [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Xavier Blanco [8]
3Ales Bourek [6]
4Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa [9] [10] [11]
5Alexander F. Gelbukh [2] [6] [7] [11]
6Konstantin Sboychakov [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)