
Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa

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3EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa, Alexander F. Gelbukh: Studying Evolution of a Branch of Knowledge by Constructing and Analyzing Its Ontology. NLDB 2006: 37-45
2EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa: A Method of Rapid Prototyping of Evolving Ontologies. CICLing 2005: 746-749
1EEPavel Makagonov, Alejandro Ruiz Figueroa: Study of Knowledge Evolution in Parallel Computing by Short Texts Analysis. CIARP 2004: 439-445

Coauthor Index

1Alexander F. Gelbukh [3]
2Pavel Makagonov [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)