
Tong Gao

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14EETong Gao, Hachem Moussa, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani, Jun-Jang Jeng: Service Composition for Real-Time Assurance. COMPSAC 2008: 1174-1179
13EETong Gao, Xin Zheng, Qian Yin: Software-Based Non-invasive Implementation of Binocular Vision. CSSE (2) 2008: 1102-1105
12EEGerardo Padilla, Tong Gao, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani, Carlos Montes de Oca: An Early Reliability Assessment Model for Data-Flow Software Architectures. ENC 2008: 9-19
11EEJiang He, Tong Gao, Wei Hao, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani: A Flexible Content Adaptation System Using a Rule-Based Approach. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(1): 127-140 (2007)
10EEWei Hao, Tong Gao, I-Ling Yen, Yinong Chen, Raymond A. Paul: An Infrastructure for Web Services Migration for Real-Time Applications. SOSE 2006: 41-48
9EETong Gao, Hui Ma, I-Ling Yen, Latifur Khan, Farokh B. Bastani: A Repository for Component-based Embedded Software Development. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(4): 523-552 (2006)
8 Tong Gao, Kendra Cooper, Hui Ma, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani: An Object-Oriented Modeling Learning Support System With Inspection Comments. SEKE 2005: 211-216
7 Tong Gao, Kendra Cooper, Hui Ma, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani: Toward a UML Profile to Support Component-Based Distributed Adaptive Systems. SEKE 2005: 217-222
6EETong Gao, C. L. Liu: Minimum crosstalk channel routing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(5): 465-474 (1996)
5EETong Gao, C. L. Liu: Minimum crosstalk switchbox routing. ICCAD 1994: 610-615
4EEJason Cong, Yuzheng Ding, Tong Gao, Kuang-Chien Chen: LUT-based FPGA technology mapping under arbitrary net-delay models. Computers & Graphics 18(4): 507-516 (1994)
3EETong Gao, C. L. Liu: Minimum crosstalk channel routing. ICCAD 1993: 692-696
2EETong Gao, Pravin M. Vaidya, C. L. Liu: A Performance Driven Macro-Cell Placement Algorithm. DAC 1992: 147-152
1 Tong Gao, Pravo M. Vaidya, C. L. Liu: A New Performance Driven Placement Algorithm. ICCAD 1991: 44-47

Coauthor Index

1Farokh B. Bastani [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14]
2Kuang-Chien Chen [4]
3Yinong Chen [10]
4Jason Cong [4]
5Kendra Cooper [7] [8]
6Yuzheng Ding [4]
7Wei Hao [10] [11]
8Jiang He [11]
9Jun-Jang Jeng [14]
10Latifur Khan [9]
11C. L. Liu (Chung Laung (Dave) Liu) [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
12Hui Ma [7] [8] [9]
13Hachem Moussa [14]
14Carlos Montes de Oca [12]
15Gerardo Padilla [12]
16Raymond A. Paul [10]
17Pravin M. Vaidya [2]
18Pravo M. Vaidya [1]
19I-Ling Yen [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
20Qian Yin [13]
21Xin Zheng [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)