
B. Gao

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7EED. G. Xie, B. Gao, Y. X. Yao, Z. J. Yuan: Investigation of the material removal model for bonnet tool polishing with precession. IJCAT 29(2/3/4): 178-181 (2007)
6EEW. H. Hui, Z. N. Wu, B. Gao: Preliminary Extension of the Unified Coordinate System Approach to Computation of Viscous Flows. J. Sci. Comput. 30(2): 301-344 (2007)
5EEB. Gao, L. S. Han: Neural networks implementation of the visual information processing for an intelligent aerial vehicle. IEEE ICCI 2006: 394-399
4 X. Huang, B. Gao, F. Han, R. Yuan, C. Liao, Z. Che: Wavelet Singularity Analysis of Radar Target Disappearing and Capture. WAA 2003: 903-908
3EEDavid Kinniment, Alexandre Yakovlev, B. Gao: Synchronous and asynchronous A-D conversion. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 8(2): 217-220 (2000)
2EED. J. Kinniment, Alexandre Yakovlev, Fei Xia, B. Gao: Towards Asynchronous A-D Conversion. ASYNC 1998: 206-215
1EEB. Gao, Frank K. Hwang: Wide-Sense Nonblocking for Multirate 3-Stage Clos Networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 182(1-2): 171-182 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Z. Che [4]
2F. Han [4]
3L. S. Han [5]
4X. Huang [4]
5W. H. Hui [6]
6Frank K. Hwang (Frank Kwang-Ming Hwang) [1]
7David Kinniment (D. J. Kinniment) [2] [3]
8C. Liao [4]
9Z. N. Wu [6]
10Fei Xia [2]
11D. G. Xie [7]
12Alexandre Yakovlev [2] [3]
13Y. X. Yao [7]
14R. Yuan [4]
15Z. J. Yuan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)