
Hiroshi Fujimoto

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10EEKatsunori Oyama, Hojun Jaygarl, Jinchun Xia, Carl K. Chang, Atsushi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Fujimoto: A Human-Machine Dimensional Inference Ontology that Weaves Human Intentions and Requirements of Context Awareness Systems. COMPSAC 2008: 287-294
9EEKatsunori Oyama, Hojun Jaygarl, Jinchun Xia, Carl K. Chang, Atsushi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Fujimoto: Requirements Analysis Using Feedback from Context Awareness Systems. COMPSAC 2008: 625-630
8EETsuneo Yoshikawa, Masanao Koeda, Hiroshi Fujimoto: Shape recognition and grasping by robotic hands with soft fingers and omnidirectional camera. ICRA 2008: 299-304
7EETsuneo Yoshikawa, Masanao Koeda, Hiroshi Fujimoto: Shape Recognition and Optimal Grasping of Unknown Objects by Soft-Fingered Robotic Hands with Camera. ISER 2008: 537-546
6EEKatsunori Oyama, Atsushi Takeuchi, Hiroshi Fujimoto: CAPIS Model Based Software Design Method for Sharing Experts' Thought Processes. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 307-316
5EEAtsushi Ohnishi, Hong Hui Zhang, Hiroshi Fujimoto: Transformation and Integration Method of Scenarios. COMPSAC 2002: 224-232
4EEHiroshi Fujimoto, Tadashi Nakano, Kaname Harumoto, Shojiro Nishio: Response order rearrangement on a caching proxy for reducing WWW latency. SAC 2002: 845-851
3 Hiroshi Fujimoto, Yoichi Hori: Visual Servoing Based on Multirate Sampling Control - Application of Perfect Disturbance Rejection Control. ICRA 2001: 711-716
2EEYasufumi Nagayama, Masashi Nabeta, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Atsushi Takeuchi: Object-Oriented Design Methodology based on Functional Layers for Distributed Communications Systems. ECBS 1999: 210-
1EEKiyoshi Ono, Mikio Aoyama, Hiroshi Fujimoto: Data Manegement of Telecommunication Networks. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 201

Coauthor Index

1Mikio Aoyama [1]
2Carl K. Chang [9] [10]
3Kaname Harumoto [4]
4Yoichi Hori [3]
5Hojun Jaygarl [9] [10]
6Masanao Koeda [7] [8]
7Masashi Nabeta [2]
8Yasufumi Nagayama [2]
9Tadashi Nakano [4]
10Shojiro Nishio (Shojiro Muro) [4]
11Atsushi Ohnishi [5]
12Kiyoshi Ono [1]
13Katsunori Oyama [6] [9] [10]
14Atsushi Takeuchi [2] [6] [9] [10]
15Jinchun Xia [9] [10]
16Tsuneo Yoshikawa [7] [8]
17Hong Hui Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)