
David Metcalf

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4EEDavid Metcalf, Marcelo Milrad, Dennis Cheek, Sara Raasch, Angela Hamilton: My Sports Pulse: Increasing Student Interest in STEM Disciplines through Sports Themes, Games and Mobile Technologies. WMUTE 2008: 23-30
3EEJeffrey Considine, Matthias Fitzi, Matthew K. Franklin, Leonid A. Levin, Ueli M. Maurer, David Metcalf: Byzantine Agreement Given Partial Broadcast. J. Cryptology 18(3): 191-217 (2005)
2EEJeffrey Considine, Leonid A. Levin, David Metcalf: Byzantine Agreement with Faulty Majority using Bounded Broadcast CoRR cs.DC/0012024: (2000)
1EERon Kikinis, Martha Elizabeth Shenton, Dan V. Iosifescu, Robert W. McCarley, Pairash Saiviroonporn, Hiroto H. Hokama, Andre Robatino, David Metcalf, Cindy Wible, Chiara M. Portas, Robert M. Donnino, Ferenc A. Jolesz: A Digital Brain Atlas for Surgical Planning, Model-Driven Segmentation, and Teaching. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2(3): 232-241 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Dennis Cheek [4]
2Jeffrey Considine [2] [3]
3Robert M. Donnino [1]
4Matthias Fitzi [3]
5Matthew K. Franklin [3]
6Angela Hamilton [4]
7Hiroto H. Hokama [1]
8Dan V. Iosifescu [1]
9Ferenc A. Jolesz [1]
10Ron Kikinis [1]
11Leonid A. Levin [2] [3]
12Ueli M. Maurer [3]
13Robert W. McCarley [1]
14Marcelo Milrad [4]
15Chiara M. Portas [1]
16Sara Raasch [4]
17Andre Robatino [1]
18Pairash Saiviroonporn [1]
19Martha Elizabeth Shenton [1]
20Cindy Wible [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)