2008 |
45 | | Johannes Blömer,
Dan Boneh,
Ronald Cramer,
Ueli M. Maurer:
Cryptography, 16.09. - 21.09.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2008 |
44 | | Ronald Cramer:
Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2008, 11th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Barcelona, Spain, March 9-12, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
43 | EE | Hao Chen,
Ronald Cramer,
Robbert de Haan,
Ignacio Cascudo Pueyo:
Strongly Multiplicative Ramp Schemes from High Degree Rational Points on Curves.
EUROCRYPT 2008: 451-470 |
42 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Yevgeniy Dodis,
Serge Fehr,
Carles Padró,
Daniel Wichs:
Detection of Algebraic Manipulation with Applications to Robust Secret Sharing and Fuzzy Extractors.
EUROCRYPT 2008: 471-488 |
41 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Vanesa Daza,
Ignacio Gracia,
Jorge Jiménez Urroz,
Gregor Leander,
Jaume Martí-Farré,
Carles Padró:
On Codes, Matroids, and Secure Multiparty Computation From Linear Secret-Sharing Schemes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(6): 2644-2657 (2008) |
2007 |
40 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Goichiro Hanaoka,
Dennis Hofheinz,
Hideki Imai,
Eike Kiltz,
Rafael Pass,
Abhi Shelat,
Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Bounded CCA2-Secure Encryption.
ASIACRYPT 2007: 502-518 |
39 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Eike Kiltz,
Carles Padró:
A Note on Secure Computation of the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse and Its Application to Secure Linear Algebra.
CRYPTO 2007: 613-630 |
38 | EE | Johannes Blömer,
Dan Boneh,
Ronald Cramer,
Ueli M. Maurer:
07381 Abstracts Collection -- Cryptography.
Cryptography 2007 |
37 | EE | Johannes Blömer,
Dan Boneh,
Ronald Cramer,
Ueli M. Maurer:
07381 Executive Summary - Cryptography.
Cryptography 2007 |
36 | EE | Hao Chen,
Ronald Cramer,
Shafi Goldwasser,
Robbert de Haan,
Vinod Vaikuntanathan:
Secure Computation from Random Error Correcting Codes.
EUROCRYPT 2007: 291-310 |
35 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Robbert de Haan:
Atomic Secure Multi-party Multiplication with Low Communication.
EUROCRYPT 2007: 329-346 |
2006 |
34 | EE | Saurabh Agarwal,
Ronald Cramer,
Robbert de Haan:
Asymptotically Optimal Two-Round Perfectly Secure Message Transmission.
CRYPTO 2006: 394-408 |
33 | EE | Hao Chen,
Ronald Cramer:
Algebraic Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes and Secure Multi-Party Computations over Small Fields.
CRYPTO 2006: 521-536 |
2005 |
32 | | Ronald Cramer:
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2005, 24th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Aarhus, Denmark, May 22-26, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
31 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Vanesa Daza,
Ignacio Gracia,
Jorge Jiménez Urroz,
Gregor Leander,
Jaume Martí-Farré,
Carles Padró:
On Codes, Matroids and Secure Multi-party Computation from Linear Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 2005: 327-343 |
30 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Serge Fehr,
Martijn Stam:
Black-Box Secret Sharing from Primitive Sets in Algebraic Number Fields.
CRYPTO 2005: 344-360 |
29 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Yuval Ishai:
Share Conversion, Pseudorandom Secret-Sharing and Applications to Secure Computation.
TCC 2005: 342-362 |
2004 |
28 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Secret-Key Zero-Knowlegde and Non-interactive Verifiable Exponentiation.
TCC 2004: 223-237 |
2003 |
27 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Serge Fehr,
Yuval Ishai,
Eyal Kushilevitz:
Efficient Multi-party Computation over Rings.
EUROCRYPT 2003: 596-613 |
2002 |
26 | EE | Masayuki Abe,
Ronald Cramer,
Serge Fehr:
Non-interactive Distributed-Verifier Proofs and Proving Relations among Commitments.
ASIACRYPT 2002: 206-223 |
25 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Serge Fehr:
Optimal Black-Box Secret Sharing over Arbitrary Abelian Groups.
CRYPTO 2002: 272-287 |
24 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Victor Shoup:
Universal Hash Proofs and a Paradigm for Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Secure Public-Key Encryption.
EUROCRYPT 2002: 45-64 |
2001 |
23 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Secure Distributed Linear Algebra in a Constant Number of Rounds.
CRYPTO 2001: 119-136 |
22 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Serge Fehr:
On the Cost of Reconstructing a Secret, or VSS with Optimal Reconstruction Phase.
CRYPTO 2001: 503-523 |
21 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Multiparty Computation from Threshold Homomorphic Encryption.
EUROCRYPT 2001: 280-299 |
20 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Victor Shoup:
Universal Hash Proofs and and a Paradigm for Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Secure Public-Key Encryption
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 8(072): (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Ueli M. Maurer:
General Secure Multi-party Computation from any Linear Secret-Sharing Scheme.
EUROCRYPT 2000: 316-334 |
18 | | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Philip D. MacKenzie:
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge Without Intractability Assumptions.
Public Key Cryptography 2000: 354-373 |
17 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Stefan Dziembowski:
On the complexity of verifiable secret sharing and multiparty computation.
STOC 2000: 325-334 |
16 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Victor Shoup:
Signature schemes based on the strong RSA assumption.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 3(3): 161-185 (2000) |
1999 |
15 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Victor Shoup:
Signature Schemes Based on the Strong RSA Assumption.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1999: 46-51 |
14 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Stefan Dziembowski,
Martin Hirt,
Tal Rabin:
Efficient Multiparty Computations Secure Against an Adaptive Adversary.
EUROCRYPT 1999: 311-326 |
1998 |
13 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Victor Shoup:
A Practical Public Key Cryptosystem Provably Secure Against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack.
CRYPTO 1998: 13-25 |
12 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Finite Field Arithmetic; or: Can Zero-Knowledge be for Free?
CRYPTO 1998: 424-441 |
11 | EE | Ronald Cramer:
Introduction to Secure Computation.
Lectures on Data Security 1998: 16-62 |
1997 |
10 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Rosario Gennaro,
Berry Schoenmakers:
A Secure and Optimally Efficient Multi-Authority Election Scheme.
EUROCRYPT 1997: 103-118 |
9 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Fast and Secure Immunization Against Adaptive Man-in-the-Middle Impersonation.
EUROCRYPT 1997: 75-87 |
8 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Linear Zero-Knowledge - A Note on Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Arguments.
STOC 1997: 436-445 |
1996 |
7 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
New Generation of Secure and Practical RSA-Based Signatures.
CRYPTO 1996: 173-185 |
6 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Matthew K. Franklin,
Berry Schoenmakers,
Moti Yung:
Multi-Autority Secret-Ballot Elections with Linear Work.
EUROCRYPT 1996: 72-83 |
5 | | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Torben P. Pedersen:
Efficient and Provable Security Amplifications.
Security Protocols Workshop 1996: 101-109 |
1995 |
4 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård:
Escure Signature Schemes based on Interactive Protocols.
CRYPTO 1995: 297-310 |
1994 |
3 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Ivan Damgård,
Berry Schoenmakers:
Proofs of Partial Knowledge and Simplified Design of Witness Hiding Protocols.
CRYPTO 1994: 174-187 |
2 | EE | Jean-Paul Boly,
Antoon Bosselaers,
Ronald Cramer,
Rolf Michelsen,
Stig Fr. Mjølsnes,
Frank Muller,
Torben P. Pedersen,
Birgit Pfitzmann,
Peter de Rooij,
Berry Schoenmakers,
Matthias Schunter,
Luc Vallée,
Michael Waidner:
The ESPRIT Project CAFE - High Security Digital Payment Systems.
ESORICS 1994: 217-230 |
1993 |
1 | EE | Ronald Cramer,
Torben P. Pedersen:
Improved Privacy in Wallets with Observers (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1993: 329-343 |