
Craig Force

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6EEBruce C. Kim, Craig Force: Guest Editors' Introduction: The Evolution of RFIC Design and Test. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 25(1): 6-8 (2008)
5EEV. Natarajan, G. Srinivasan, A. Chatterjee, Craig Force: Novel Cross-Loopback Based Test Approach for Specification Test of Multi-Band, Multi-Hardware Radios. VTS 2007: 297-302
4 Hari Balachandran, Jason Parker, Gordon Gammie, John W. Olson, Craig Force, Kenneth M. Butler, Sri Jandhyala: Expediting ramp-to-volume production. ITC 1999: 103-112
3 Hari Balachandran, Jason Parker, Daniel Shupp, Stephanie Butler, Kenneth M. Butler, Craig Force, Jason Smith: Correlation of logical failures to a suspect process step. ITC 1999: 458-476
2 Craig Force: Analog Fault Simulation: Key to Product Quality, or a Foot in the Door. ITC 1999: 650
1EECraig Force, Tom Austin: Testing the design: the evolution of test simulation. ITC 1998: 612-

Coauthor Index

1Tom Austin [1]
2Hari Balachandran [3] [4]
3Kenneth M. Butler [3] [4]
4Stephanie Butler [3]
5A. Chatterjee [5]
6Gordon Gammie [4]
7Sri Jandhyala [4]
8Bruce C. Kim [6]
9V. Natarajan [5]
10John W. Olson [4]
11Jason Parker [3] [4]
12Daniel Shupp [3]
13Jason Smith [3]
14G. Srinivasan [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)