
Michael S. Floater

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28EEChristopher Dyken, Michael S. Floater: Transfinite mean value interpolation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 26(1): 117-134 (2009)
27EEMichael S. Floater: On the deviation of a parametric cubic spline interpolant from its data polygon. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(3): 148-156 (2008)
26 Tim Volodine, Michael S. Floater, Dirk Roose: Volumetric snapping: Watertight triangulation of point clouds. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 53-60
25EEMichael S. Floater, Atgeirr F. Rasmussen, Ulrich Reif: Extrapolation methods for approximating arc length and surface area. Numerical Algorithms 44(3): 235-248 (2007)
24EEKai Hormann, Michael S. Floater: Mean value coordinates for arbitrary planar polygons. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(4): 1424-1441 (2006)
23EEMichael S. Floater, Kai Hormann, Géza Kós: A general construction of barycentric coordinates over convex polygons. Adv. Comput. Math. 24(1-4): 311-331 (2006)
22EEMichael S. Floater, Valérie Pham-Trong: Convex combination maps over triangulations, tilings, and tetrahedral meshes. Adv. Comput. Math. 25(4): 347-356 (2006)
21EEChristopher Dyken, Michael S. Floater: Preferred directions for resolving the non-uniqueness of Delaunay triangulations. Comput. Geom. 34(2): 96-101 (2006)
20EEMichael S. Floater: High order approximation of rational curves by polynomial curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 23(8): 621-628 (2006)
19EEMichael S. Floater, Géza Kós, Martin Reimers: Mean value coordinates in 3D. Computer Aided Geometric Design 22(7): 623-631 (2005)
18EEMichael S. Floater: On the convergence of derivatives of Bernstein approximation. Journal of Approximation Theory 134(1): 130-135 (2005)
17EEMichael S. Floater: Mean value coordinates. Computer Aided Geometric Design 20(1): 19-27 (2003)
16EEMichael S. Floater: Error formulas for divided difference expansions and numerical differentiation. Journal of Approximation Theory 122(1): 1-9 (2003)
15 Michael S. Floater: One-to-one piecewise linear mappings over triangulations. Math. Comput. 72(242): 685-696 (2003)
14EEMichael S. Floater, Martin Reimers: Meshless parameterization and surface reconstruction. Computer Aided Geometric Design 18(2): 77-92 (2001)
13 Michael S. Floater: Meshless Parameterization and B-Spline Surface Approximation. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2000: 1-18
12EEMichael S. Floater, Tom Lyche: Asymptotic convergence of degree-raising. Adv. Comput. Math. 12(2-3): 175-187 (2000)
11 Michael S. Floater, Juan Manuel Peña: Monotonicity preservation on triangles. Math. Comput. 69(232): 1505-1519 (2000)
10 Michael S. Floater, Ewald G. Quak: Piecewise Linear Wavelets Over Type-2 Triangulations. Geometric Modelling 1999: 89-103
9EEMichael S. Floater, Juan Manuel Peña: Tensor-product monotonicity preservation. Adv. Comput. Math. 9(3-4): 353-362 (1998)
8EEMichael S. Floater: An O(h2n) Hermite approximation for conic sections. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(2): 135-151 (1997)
7EEMichael S. Floater: Parametrization and smooth approximation of surface triangulations. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(3): 231-250 (1997)
6EEMichael S. Floater: A counterexample to a theorem about the convexity of Powell-Sabin elements. Computer Aided Geometric Design 14(4): 383-385 (1997)
5EEJesús M. Carnicer, Michael S. Floater, Juan Manuel Peña: Linear convexity conditions for rectangular and triangular Bernstein-Bézier surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(1): 27-38 (1997)
4EEMichael S. Floater: An analysis of cubic approximation schemes for conic sections. Adv. Comput. Math. 5(1): 361-379 (1996)
3EEMichael S. Floater: On zero curves of bivariate polynomials. Adv. Comput. Math. 5(1): 399-415 (1996)
2EEMichael S. Floater: A weak condition for the convexity of tensor-product Bézier and B-spline surfaces. Adv. Comput. Math. 2(1): 67-80 (1994)
1EEMichael S. Floater: Derivatives of rational Bézier curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 9(3): 161-174 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Jesús M. Carnicer [5]
2Christopher Dyken [21] [28]
3Kai Hormann [23] [24]
4Géza Kós [19] [23]
5Tom Lyche [12]
6Juan Manuel Peña [5] [9] [11]
7Valérie Pham-Trong [22]
8Ewald G. Quak [10]
9Atgeirr F. Rasmussen [25]
10Ulrich Reif [25]
11Martin Reimers [14] [19]
12Dirk Roose [26]
13Tim Volodine [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)