
Dirk Roose

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39 Tim Volodine, Michael S. Floater, Dirk Roose: Volumetric snapping: Watertight triangulation of point clouds. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 53-60
38EEKris Demarsin, Denis Vanderstraeten, Tim Volodine, Dirk Roose: Detection of closed sharp edges in point clouds using normal estimation and graph theory. Computer-Aided Design 39(4): 276-283 (2007)
37EEKris Demarsin, Denis Vanderstraeten, Tim Volodine, Dirk Roose: Detection of Closed Sharp Feature Lines in Point Clouds for Reverse Engineering Applications. GMP 2006: 571-577
36EETim Volodine, Denis Vanderstraeten, Dirk Roose: Smoothing of Meshes and Point Clouds Using Weighted Geometry-Aware Bases. GMP 2006: 687-693
35EETatyana Luzyanina, Dirk Roose: Periodic Solutions of Differential Algebraic Equations with Time Delays: Computation and Stability Analysis. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(1): 67-84 (2006)
34EETom De Wolf, Giovanni Samaey, Tom Holvoet, Dirk Roose: Decentralised Autonomic Computing: Analysing Self-Organising Emergent Behaviour using Advanced Numerical Methods. ICAC 2005: 52-63
33EEKoen Engelborghs, Tatyana Luzyanina, Dirk Roose: Numerical bifurcation analysis of delay differential equations using DDE-BIFTOOL. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 28(1): 1-21 (2002)
32 Koen Engelborghs, Tatyana Luzyanina, Dirk Roose: DDE-BIFTOOL, Software for bifurations analysis of delay differential equations: functionality and applications. HERCMA 2001: 123-128
31EEGeert Uytterhoeven, Dirk Roose, Adhemar Bultheel: A Wavelet Toolbox for Large Scale Image Processing. ACPC 1999: 337-346
30EEBart Maerten, Dirk Roose, Achim Basermann, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale: DRAMA: A Library for Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing of Finite Element Applications. Euro-Par 1999: 313-316
29 Bart Maerten, Dirk Roose, Achim Basermann, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale: DRAMA: A Library for Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing of Finite Element Applications. PPSC 1999
28EEKoen Engelborghs, Dirk Roose: Numerical computation of stability and detection of Hopf bifurcations of steady state solutions of delay differential equations. Adv. Comput. Math. 10(3-4): 271-289 (1999)
27EEMaurits Malfait, Dirk Roose: Wavelet-based image denoising using a Markov random field a priori model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(4): 549-565 (1997)
26 S. Goossens, Emmanuel Issman, Gérard Degrez, Dirk Roose: Block ILP-1U(0) Preconditioning for a GMRES Based Euler/Navier-Stokes Solver. HPCN Europe 1996: 619-626
25EEHugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: A Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformation Algorithm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 63(1): 15-26 (1996)
24 Maurits Malfait, Dirk Roose: Convergence of concurrent Markov chain Monte-Carlo algorithms. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 8(3): 167-189 (1996)
23 Rafael Van Driessche, Dirk Roose: Dynamic load balancing with a spectral bisection algorithm for the constrained graph partitioning problem. HPCN Europe 1995: 392-397
22 Z. W. Song, Dirk Roose, C. S. Yu, Jean Berlamont: Parallelisation of a hydrodynamic model for the Northwest European continental shelf. HPCN Europe 1995: 455-460
21 Rafael Van Driessche, Dirk Roose: A Grapg Contraction Algorithm for the Fast Calculation of the Fiedler Vector of a Graph. PPSC 1995: 621-626
20 Rafael Van Driessche, Dirk Roose: An Improved Spectral Bisection Algorithm and its Application to Dynamic Load Balancing. Parallel Computing 21(1): 29-48 (1995)
19 Johan De Keyser, Dirk Roose: Run-Time Load Balancing Techniques for a Parallel Unstructured Multi-Grid Euler Solver with Adaptive Grid Refinement. Parallel Computing 21(2): 179-198 (1995)
18 Hugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: MIMD Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms for the Distance Transformation. Part I: City Block Distance. Parallel Computing 21(7): 1051-1076 (1995)
17 Hugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: MIMD Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms for the Distance Transformation. Part II: Chamfer 3-4 Distance. Parallel Computing 21(7): 1077-1096 (1995)
16EEZ. W. Song, Dirk Roose, Jean Berlamont: Investigation of different time integration schemes for the 2D Shallow Water Equations on distributed memory parallel computers. Simul. Pr. Theory 3(4-5): 287-305 (1995)
15 Rafael Van Driessche, Dirk Roose: An Improved Spectral Bisection Algorithm and its Application to Dynamic Load Balancing. EUROSIM 1994: 211-218
14 Z. W. Song, Dirk Roose, C. S. Yu, Jean Berlamont: A Comparison of Parallel Solvers for the 2-D Shallow Water Equations on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. EUROSIM 1994: 87-94
13 Johan De Keyser, Dirk Roose: Distributed Mapping of SPMD Programs with a Generalized Kernighan-Lin Heuristic. HPCN 1994: 227-232
12 Z. W. Song, K. P. P. Pathirana, Dirk Roose, Jean Berlamont: Simulation of Tidal Flows for Southern North Sea and Sediment Transports for Western Scheldt Estuary on Parallel Computers. HPCN 1994: 329-334
11 Johan De Keyser, Kurt Lust, Dirk Roose: Run-Time Load Balancing Support for a Parallel Multiblock Euler/Navier-Stokes Code with Adaptive Refinement on Distributed Memory Computers. Parallel Computing 20(8): 1069-1088 (1994)
10 Hugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: A Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformation Algorithm. SPDP 1993: 216-225
9EETom Tollenaere, Guy A. Orban, Dirk Roose: Decomposition and Mapping of Locally Connected Layered Neural Networks on Message-passing Multiprocessors. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 1(1): 43-56 (1993)
8 Johan De Keyser, Dirk Roose: Load Balancing Data Parallel Programs on Distributed Memory Computers. Parallel Computing 19(11): 1199-1219 (1993)
7 Hugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: Parallel Algorithms for the Distance Transformation. CONPAR 1992: 571-582
6 Hugo Embrechts, Dirk Roose: Parallel Algorithms for the Distance Transformation. ECCV 1992: 387-391
5 Johan De Keyser, Dirk Roose: Adaptive Irregular Multiple Grids on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor. EDMCC 1991: 153-162
4 O. Zone, R. Keunings, Dirk Roose: Parallel Algorithms for the Direct Solution of Finite Element Equations on a Distributed Memory Computer. EDMCC 1991: 294-303
3 L. Bomans, Dirk Roose, R. Hempel: The Argonne/GMD macros in FORTRAN for portable parallel programming and their implementation on the Intel iPSC/2. Parallel Computing 15(1-3): 119-132 (1990)
2 L. Bomans, Dirk Roose: Benchmarking the iPSC/2 Hypercube Multiprocessor. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 1(1): 3-18 (1989)
1 Stefan Vandewalle, Dirk Roose: The Parallel Waveform Relaxation Multigrid Method. PPSC 1987: 152-156

Coauthor Index

1Achim Basermann [29] [30]
2Jean Berlamont [12] [14] [16] [22]
3L. Bomans [2] [3]
4Adhemar Bultheel [31]
5Gérard Degrez [26]
6Kris Demarsin [37] [38]
7Rafael Van Driessche [15] [20] [21] [23]
8Hugo Embrechts [6] [7] [10] [17] [18] [25]
9Koen Engelborghs [28] [32] [33]
10Jochen Fingberg [29] [30]
11Michael S. Floater [39]
12S. Goossens [26]
13R. Hempel [3]
14Tom Holvoet [34]
15Emmanuel Issman [26]
16R. Keunings [4]
17Johan De Keyser [5] [8] [11] [13] [19]
18Guy Lonsdale [29] [30]
19Kurt Lust [11]
20Tatyana Luzyanina [32] [33] [35]
21Bart Maerten [29] [30]
22Maurits Malfait [24] [27]
23Guy A. Orban [9]
24K. P. P. Pathirana [12]
25Giovanni Samaey [34]
26Z. W. Song [12] [14] [16] [22]
27Tom Tollenaere [9]
28Geert Uytterhoeven [31]
29Denis Vanderstraeten [36] [37] [38]
30Stefan Vandewalle [1]
31Tim Volodine [36] [37] [38] [39]
32Tom De Wolf [34]
33C. S. Yu [14] [22]
34O. Zone [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)