
Juan Fernández-Ramil

Juan F. Ramil

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39EETom Mens, Juan Fernández-Ramil, Sylvain Degrandsart: The evolution of Eclipse. ICSM 2008: 386-395
38EEJuan Fernández-Ramil, Angela Lozano, Michel Wermelinger, Andrea Capiluppi: Empirical Studies of Open Source Evolution. Software Evolution 2008: 263-288
37EEAndrea Capiluppi, Juan Fernández-Ramil, J. Higman, Helen C. Sharp, Neil Smith: An Empirical Study of the Evolution of an Agile-Developed Software System. ICSE 2007: 511-518
36EEAndrea Capiluppi, Juan Fernández-Ramil: A model to predict anti-regressive effort in Open Source Software. ICSM 2007: 194-203
35EEYijun Yu, Jianguo Lu, Juan Fernández-Ramil, Phil Yuan: Comparing Web Services with other Software Components. ICWS 2007: 388-397
34EENeil Smith, Andrea Capiluppi, Juan Fernández-Ramil: Users and Developers: An Agent-Based Simulation of Open Source Software Evolution. SPW/ProSim 2006: 286-293
33EEBrendan Quinn, Leonor Barroca, Bashar Nuseibeh, Juan Fernández-Ramil, Lucia Rapanotti, Pete Thomas, Michel Wermelinger: Learning Software Engineering at a Distance. IEEE Software 23(6): 36-43 (2006)
32EENeil Smith, Andrea Capiluppi, Juan F. Ramil: Agent-based simulation of open source evolution. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(4): 423-434 (2006)
31EEAndrea Capiluppi, Alvaro E. Faria, Juan F. Ramil: Exploring the Relationship between Cumulative Change and Complexity in an Open Source System. CSMR 2005: 21-29
30EENeil Smith, Andrea Capiluppi, Juan F. Ramil: A study of open source software evolution data using qualitative simulation. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 10(3): 287-300 (2005)
29EEAndrea Capiluppi, Maurizio Morisio, Juan F. Ramil: The Evolution of Source Folder Structure in actively evolved Open Source Systems. IEEE METRICS 2004: 2-13
28EEAndrea Capiluppi, Maurizio Morisio, Juan F. Ramil: Structural Evolution of an Open Source System: A Case Study. IWPC 2004: 172-182
27EEAndrea Capiluppi, Juan F. Ramil: Studying the Evolution of Open Source Systems at Different Levels of Granularity: Two Case Studies. IWPSE 2004: 113-118
26EETom Mens, Juan F. Ramil, Michael W. Godfrey: Analyzing the Evolution of Large-Scale Software. Journal of Software Maintenance 16(6): 363-365 (2004)
25EEJuan F. Ramil: Continual Resource Estimation for Evolving Software. ICSM 2003: 289-292
24EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software evolution - Background, theory, practice. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(1-2): 33-44 (2003)
23EEJuan F. Ramil: Laws of Software Evolution and Their Empirical Support. ICSM 2002: 71
22EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software Uncertainty. Soft-Ware 2002: 174-190
21 Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software Evolution and Software Evolution Processes. Ann. Software Eng. 14(1-4): 275-309 (2002)
20EEMeir M. Lehman, Goel Kahen, Juan F. Ramil: Behavioural modelling of long-lived evolution processes - some issues and an example. Journal of Software Maintenance 14(5): 335-351 (2002)
19EEJuan F. Ramil, Neil Smith: Qualitative simulation of models of software evolution. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7(3-4): 95-112 (2002)
18EEM. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Goel Kahen: Experiences with Behavioural Process Modelling in FEAST, and Some of Its Practical Implications. EWSPT 2001: 47-62
17EEM. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, U. Sandler: An Approach to Modelling Long-Term Growth Trends in Software Systems. ICSM 2001: 219-
16EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Defining and Applying Metrics in the Context of Continuing Software Evolution. IEEE METRICS 2001: 199-209
15 M. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Rules and Tools for Software Evolution Planning and Management. Ann. Software Eng. 11(1): 15-44 (2001)
14 Ned Chapin, Joanne E. Hale, Khaled Md. Khan, Juan F. Ramil, Wui-Gee Tan: Types of software evolution and software maintenance. Journal of Software Maintenance 13(1): 3-30 (2001)
13EEGoel Kahen, Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick: System dynamics modelling of software evolution processes for policy investigation: Approach and example. Journal of Systems and Software 59(3): 271-281 (2001)
12EEJuan F. Ramil: Algorithmic cost estimation for software evolution. ICSE 2000: 701-703
11EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Effort estimation from change records of evolving software (poster). ICSE 2000: 777
10EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Metrics of Software Evolution as Effort Predictors - A Case Study. ICSM 2000: 163-172
9 Juan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman, Goel Kahen: The FEAST Approach to Quantitative Process Modelling of Software Evolution Processes. PROFES 2000: 311-325
8 M. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software evolution in the age of component-based software engineering. IEE Proceedings - Software 147(6): 249-255 (2000)
7 B. W. Chatters, Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick: Modelling a software evolution process: a long-term case study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 5(2-3): 91-102 (2000)
6 David Raffo, Timo Kaltio, Derek Partridge, Keith Phalp, Juan F. Ramil: Empirical Studies Applied to Software Process Models. Empirical Software Engineering 4(4): 353-369 (1999)
5EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: The impact of feedback in the global software process. Journal of Systems and Software 46(2-3): 123-134 (1999)
4 Juan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Fuzzy Dynamics in Software Project Simulation and Support. EWSPT 1998: 122-126
3EEM. M. Lehman, Dewayne E. Perry, Juan F. Ramil: Implications of Evolution Metrics on Software Maintenance. ICSM 1998: 208-
2EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Dewayne E. Perry: On Evidence Supporting the FEAST Hypothesis and the Laws of Software Evolution. IEEE METRICS 1998: 84-88
1EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick, Dewayne E. Perry, Wladyslaw M. Turski: Metrics and Laws of Software Evolution - The Nineties View. IEEE METRICS 1997: 20-

Coauthor Index

1Leonor Barroca [33]
2Andrea Capiluppi [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [36] [37] [38]
3Ned Chapin [14]
4B. W. Chatters [7]
5Sylvain Degrandsart [39]
6Alvaro E. Faria [31]
7Michael W. Godfrey [26]
8Joanne E. Hale [14]
9J. Higman [37]
10Goel Kahen [9] [13] [18] [20]
11Timo Kaltio [6]
12Khaled Md. Khan [14]
13Meir M. Lehman (M. M. Lehman) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [24]
14Angela Lozano [38]
15Jianguo Lu [35]
16Tom Mens [26] [39]
17Maurizio Morisio [28] [29]
18Bashar Nuseibeh [33]
19Derek Partridge [6]
20Dewayne E. Perry [1] [2] [3]
21Keith Phalp [6]
22Brendan Quinn [33]
23David Raffo (David M. Raffo) [6]
24Lucia Rapanotti [33]
25U. Sandler [17]
26Helen Sharp (Helen C. Sharp) [37]
27Neil Smith [19] [30] [32] [34] [37]
28Wui-Gee Tan [14]
29Pete Thomas [33]
30Wladyslaw M. Turski [1]
31Michel Wermelinger [33] [38]
32Paul Wernick [1] [7] [13]
33Yijun Yu [35]
34Phil Yuan [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)