
Meir M. Lehman

M. M. Lehman

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55EEReuven Gallant, Meir M. Lehman: The 2-chart Problem - Contemplating System Behavior in the Aggregate. ECBS 2008: 473-482
54 Mira Kajko-Mattsson, Gerardo Canfora, Dan Chiorean, Arie van Deursen, Tuomas Ihme, Meir M. Lehman, Rupert Reiger, Torsten Engel, Josef Wernke: A Model of Maintainability - Suggestion for Future Research. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 436-441
53EEStephen Cook, Rachel Harrison, Meir M. Lehman, Paul Wernick: Evolution in software systems: foundations of the SPE classification scheme. Journal of Software Maintenance 18(1): 1-35 (2006)
52EEMeir M. Lehman: Approach to a Theory of Software Evolution. IWPSE 2005: 135
51EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software evolution - Background, theory, practice. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(1-2): 33-44 (2003)
50EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software Uncertainty. Soft-Ware 2002: 174-190
49 Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software Evolution and Software Evolution Processes. Ann. Software Eng. 14(1-4): 275-309 (2002)
48EEMeir M. Lehman, Goel Kahen, Juan F. Ramil: Behavioural modelling of long-lived evolution processes - some issues and an example. Journal of Software Maintenance 14(5): 335-351 (2002)
47EEM. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Goel Kahen: Experiences with Behavioural Process Modelling in FEAST, and Some of Its Practical Implications. EWSPT 2001: 47-62
46EEM. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, U. Sandler: An Approach to Modelling Long-Term Growth Trends in Software Systems. ICSM 2001: 219-
45EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Defining and Applying Metrics in the Context of Continuing Software Evolution. IEEE METRICS 2001: 199-209
44 M. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Rules and Tools for Software Evolution Planning and Management. Ann. Software Eng. 11(1): 15-44 (2001)
43EEGoel Kahen, Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick: System dynamics modelling of software evolution processes for policy investigation: Approach and example. Journal of Systems and Software 59(3): 271-281 (2001)
42 M. M. Lehman: Keynote on "Thirty Years in Software Process". EWSPT 2000: 54
41EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Effort estimation from change records of evolving software (poster). ICSE 2000: 777
40EEJuan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Metrics of Software Evolution as Effort Predictors - A Case Study. ICSM 2000: 163-172
39 Juan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman, Goel Kahen: The FEAST Approach to Quantitative Process Modelling of Software Evolution Processes. PROFES 2000: 311-325
38 M. M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: Software evolution in the age of component-based software engineering. IEE Proceedings - Software 147(6): 249-255 (2000)
37 B. W. Chatters, Meir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick: Modelling a software evolution process: a long-term case study. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 5(2-3): 91-102 (2000)
36 K. Bennett, Elizabeth Burd, Chris F. Kemerer, M. M. Lehman, M. Lee, Raymond J. Madachy, C. Mair, Dag I. K. Sjøberg, Sandra Slaughter: Empirical Studies of Evolving Systems. Empirical Software Engineering 4(4): 370-380 (1999)
35EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil: The impact of feedback in the global software process. Journal of Systems and Software 46(2-3): 123-134 (1999)
34EEPaul Wernick, Meir M. Lehman: Software process white box modelling for FEAST/1. Journal of Systems and Software 46(2-3): 193-201 (1999)
33 Juan F. Ramil, M. M. Lehman: Fuzzy Dynamics in Software Project Simulation and Support. EWSPT 1998: 122-126
32 M. M. Lehman: FEAST-Feedback, Evolution and Software Technology. EWSPT 1998: 150
31EEM. M. Lehman, Dewayne E. Perry, Juan F. Ramil: Implications of Evolution Metrics on Software Maintenance. ICSM 1998: 208-
30EEJeffrey M. Voas, M. M. Lehman, Lionel C. Briand, Norman F. Schneidewind: Maintaining COTS-Based Systems: Is it Possible? (Panel). ICSM 1998: 220-221
29EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Dewayne E. Perry: On Evidence Supporting the FEAST Hypothesis and the Laws of Software Evolution. IEEE METRICS 1998: 84-88
28 M. M. Lehman: Software's Future: Managing Evolution. IEEE Software 15(1): 40-44 (1998)
27EEM. M. Lehman: Process Modelling - Where Next. ICSE 1997: 549-552
26EEMeir M. Lehman, Juan F. Ramil, Paul Wernick, Dewayne E. Perry, Wladyslaw M. Turski: Metrics and Laws of Software Evolution - The Nineties View. IEEE METRICS 1997: 20-
25 M. M. Lehman: Frameworks Session. EWSPT 1996: 1-2
24 M. M. Lehman: Laws of Software Evolution Revisited. EWSPT 1996: 108-124
23EEM. M. Lehman: Feedback, evolution and software technology. ISPW 1996: 101-103
22EEM. M. Lehman: Feedback in the software evolution process. Information & Software Technology 38(11): 681-686 (1996)
21 M. M. Lehman: Process Improvement - The Way Forward CAiSE 1995: 1-11
20 M. M. Lehman: Evolution, feedback and software technology. ISPW 1994: 134-137
19 M. M. Lehman: Position Paper. Experimental Software Engineering Issues 1992: 229-233
18 M. M. Lehman: The role of process models in software and systems development and evolution. ISPW 1989: 91-94
17 M. M. Lehman: some reservations on software process programming. ISPW 1988: 111-112
16 M. M. Lehman: Process Models, Process Programs, Programming Support. ICSE 1987: 14-16
15EEM. M. Lehman: Model Based Approach to IPSE Architecture and Design: The IST ISTAR Project as an Instantiation. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 10(1): 2-13 (1987)
14 Meir M. Lehman: Advanced Software Technology - Development and Introduction to Practice (Invited Paper). IFIP Congress 1986: 605-612
13 M. M. Lehman: Modes of evolution. ISPW 1986: 29-32
12 M. M. Lehman: Approach to a disciplined development process- the ISTAR integrated project support environment. ISPW 1985: 49-60
11 M. M. Lehman: A further model of coherent programming processes. ISPW 1984: 27-33
10EEM. M. Lehman: Program evolution. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 19-36 (1984)
9EEMeir M. Lehman: On understanding laws, evolution, and conservation in the large-program life cycle. Journal of Systems and Software 1: 213-221 (1980)
8 M. M. Lehman, F. N. Parr: Program Evolution and Its Impact on Software Engineering. ICSE 1976: 350-357
7 Laszlo A. Belady, M. M. Lehman: A Model of Large Program Development. IBM Systems Journal 15(3): 225-252 (1976)
6 M. M. Lehman: Computer Usage Control. Comput. J. 16(2): 106-110 (1973)
5 M. M. Lehman, Gerald Waldbaum: An Analytical Model for Upper Bounds on the Performance of Event-Driven, Hierarchical Computer Systems. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 570-576
4 Gerald S. Shedler, M. M. Lehman: Evaluation of Redundancy in a Parallel Algorithm. IBM Systems Journal 6(3): 142-149 (1967)
3EEM. M. Lehman, Z. Netter, R. Eshed: SABRAC, a time-sharing low-cost computer. Commun. ACM 6(8): 427-429 (1963)
2 M. M. Lehman: A Comparative Study of Propagation Speedup Circuits in Binary Arithmetic Units. IFIP Congress 1962: 671-677
1 M. M. Lehman: The specification of a cost-limited digital computer. IFIP Congress 1959: 365-374

Coauthor Index

1Laszlo A. Belady [7]
2K. Bennett [36]
3Lionel C. Briand [30]
4Elizabeth Burd (Liz Burd) [36]
5Gerardo Canfora [54]
6B. W. Chatters [37]
7Dan Chiorean [54]
8Stephen Cook [53]
9Arie van Deursen [54]
10Torsten Engel [54]
11R. Eshed [3]
12Juan Fernández-Ramil (Juan F. Ramil) [26] [29] [31] [33] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51]
13Reuven Gallant [55]
14Rachel Harrison [53]
15Tuomas Ihme [54]
16Goel Kahen [39] [43] [47] [48]
17Mira Kajko-Mattsson [54]
18Chris F. Kemerer [36]
19M. Lee [36]
20Raymond J. Madachy [36]
21C. Mair [36]
22Z. Netter [3]
23F. N. Parr [8]
24Dewayne E. Perry [26] [29] [31]
25Rupert Reiger [54]
26U. Sandler [46]
27Norman F. Schneidewind [30]
28Gerald S. Shedler [4]
29Dag I. K. Sjøberg [36]
30Sandra Slaughter [36]
31Wladyslaw M. Turski [26]
32Jeffrey M. Voas [30]
33Gerald Waldbaum [5]
34Paul Wernick [26] [34] [37] [43] [53]
35Josef Wernke [54]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)