
Ned Chapin

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29EENed Chapin: Software Maintenance Management: Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Authored by Alain April and Alain Abran Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken NJ, U.S.A., and IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos CA, U.S.A. Copyright (c) 2008; 314 pages ISBN 978-0470-14707-8 (soft cover) US$65.00. Journal of Software Maintenance 21(1): 73-77 (2009)
28 Ned Chapin: Service Granularity Effects in SOA. SEKE 2008: 506-511
27EEGrace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, Kostas Kontogiannis, Scott R. Tilley, Mira Kajko-Mattsson, Ned Chapin: A Research Agenda for Maintenance & Evolution of SOA-Based Systems. ICSM 2007: 481-484
26EEMira Kajko-Mattsson, Grace A. Lewis, Dave Siracusa, Taylor Nelson, Ned Chapin, Michael Heydt, Jason Nocks, Harry Snee: Long-term Life Cycle Impact of Agile Methodologies. ICSM 2006: 422-425
25EENed Chapin: Continuous Evolution: Practices and Issues. ICSM 2005: 717
24EENed Chapin: Agile Methods' Contributions in Software Evolution. ICSM 2004: 522
23EEMira Kajko-Mattsson, Ned Chapin: Data Mining For Validation In Software Engineering: An Example. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 14(4): 407-427 (2004)
22 Ned Chapin, Mira Kajko-Mattsson: Validative measurement in software engineering: a data mining example. SEKE 2003: 626-633
21 Ned Chapin: Maintenance of Information Systems. ICEIS 2002: 17-19
20EENed Chapin: Entropy mdash; Metric For Systems With COTS Software. IEEE METRICS 2002: 173-181
19 Ned Chapin, Aniello Cimitile: Announcement. Journal of Software Maintenance 13(1): 1-2 (2001)
18 Ned Chapin, Joanne E. Hale, Khaled Md. Khan, Juan F. Ramil, Wui-Gee Tan: Types of software evolution and software maintenance. Journal of Software Maintenance 13(1): 3-30 (2001)
17 Girish Parikh, Ned Chapin: Interview with Girish Parikh. Journal of Software Maintenance 13(3): 201-221 (2001)
16EENed Chapin: Do We Know What Preventive Maintenance Is? ICSM 2000: 15-17
15EENed Chapin: Software Maintenance Types - A Fresh View. ICSM 2000: 247-
14EENed Chapin: Trends in Preserving and Enhancing the Value of Software. ICSM 2000: 6-8
13 Ned Chapin: Review of Perspectives on Improving Software Maintenance by Frank Niessink. Journal of Software Maintenance 12(3): 187-195 (2000)
12 Ned Chapin: Impressions from ICSM 2000. Software Focus 1(2): 19-21 (2000)
11EENed Chapin: New co-editor and board members. Journal of Software Maintenance 10(1): 1 (1998)
10EETed Keller, Ned Chapin, Thomas M. Pigoski, Nicholas Zvegintzov: How Much Has Software Maintenance Changed Since 1983? ICSM 1996: 34-
9 Ned Chapin: Management Problems Seen in Software Maintenance: An Empowerment Study. ICSM 1993: 329-336
8 Ned Chapin: Behind and Ahead - A Decade's Perspective: A Panel Position Statement. ICSM 1993: 411-412
7EENed Chapin: Productivity in software maintenance. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1981: 349-352
6EENed Chapin: Some Structured Analysis Techniques. DATA BASE 10(3): 16-23 (1979)
5EENed Chapin: Monitored Data: A Data Control Methodology. DATA BASE 9(4): 16-18 (1978)
4 Ned Chapin: New Format for Flowcharts. Softw., Pract. Exper. 4(4): 341-357 (1974)
3 Ned Chapin: Flowcharting With the ANSI Standard: A Tutorial. ACM Comput. Surv. 2(2): 119-146 (1970)
2EENed Chapin: Parsing of decision tables. Commun. ACM 10(8): 507-511 (1967)
1EENed Chapin: Symbolic analysis methods for information systems. Commun. ACM 4(2): 114 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Aniello Cimitile [19]
2Juan Fernández-Ramil (Juan F. Ramil) [18]
3Joanne E. Hale [18]
4Michael Heydt [26]
5Mira Kajko-Mattsson [22] [23] [26] [27]
6Ted Keller [10]
7Khaled Md. Khan [18]
8Kostas Kontogiannis [27]
9Grace A. Lewis [26] [27]
10Taylor Nelson [26]
11Jason Nocks [26]
12Girish Parikh [17]
13Thomas M. Pigoski [10]
14Dave Siracusa [26]
15Dennis B. Smith [27]
16Harry Snee [26]
17Wui-Gee Tan [18]
18Scott R. Tilley [27]
19Nicholas Zvegintzov [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)