
Michael W. Godfrey

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50 Ahmed E. Hassan, Michele Lanza, Michael W. Godfrey: Fith International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2008 (ICSE Workshop), Leipzig, Germany, May 10-11, 2008, Proceedings ACM 2008
49EEAbram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: Reading Beside the Lines: Indentation as a Proxy for Complexity Metric. ICPC 2008: 133-142
48EEMathieu Verbaere, Michael W. Godfrey, Tudor Gîrba: Query Technologies and Applications for Program Comprehension (QTAPC 2008). ICPC 2008: 285-288
47EEXinyi Dong, Michael W. Godfrey: Identifying Architectural Change Patterns in Object-Oriented Systems. ICPC 2008: 33-42
46EEMichele Lanza, Michael W. Godfrey, Sunghun Kim: MSR 2008 - 5th working conference on mining software repositories. ICSE Companion 2008: 1037-1038
45EEHolger M. Kienle, Leon Moonen, Michael W. Godfrey, Hausi A. Müller: 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Software Development Tools and Techniques (WASDeTT): Tools for software maintenance, visualization, and reverse engineering. ICSM 2008: 408-409
44EEAbram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: From Indentation Shapes to Code Structures. SCAM 2008: 111-120
43EEAbram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: Reverse Engineering CAPTCHAs. WCRE 2008: 59-68
42EECory Kapser, Michael W. Godfrey: "Cloning considered harmful" considered harmful: patterns of cloning in software. Empirical Software Engineering 13(6): 645-692 (2008)
41EELijie Zou, Michael W. Godfrey, Ahmed E. Hassan: Detecting Interaction Coupling from Task Interaction Histories. ICPC 2007: 135-144
40EEMichael W. Godfrey: A Hybrid Program Model for Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering. ICPC 2007: 81-90
39EEAbram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: Release Pattern Discovery: A Case Study of Database Systems. ICSM 2007: 285-294
38EEXinyi Dong, Michael W. Godfrey: System-level Usage Dependency Analysis of Object-Oriented Systems. ICSM 2007: 375-384
37EEAbram Hindle, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: Release Pattern Discovery via Partitioning: Methodology and Case Study. MSR 2007: 19
36EEJason W. A. Selby, Fraser P. Ruffell, Mark Giesbrecht, Michael W. Godfrey: Examining the Effects of Global Data Usage on Software Maintainability. WCRE 2007: 60-69
35EEDavor Svetinovic, Daniel M. Berry, Nancy A. Day, Michael W. Godfrey: Unified use case statecharts: case studies. Requir. Eng. 12(4): 245-264 (2007)
34EECory Kapser, Paul Anderson, Michael W. Godfrey, Rainer Koschke, Matthias Rieger, Filip Van Rysselberghe, Peter Weißgerber: Subjectivity in Clone Judgment: Can We Ever Agree?. Duplication, Redundancy, and Similarity in Software 2006
33EECory Kapser, Michael W. Godfrey: "Cloning Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful. WCRE 2006: 19-28
32EELijie Zou, Michael W. Godfrey: An Industrial Case Study of Program Artifacts Viewed During Maintenance Tasks. WCRE 2006: 71-82
31EECory Kapser, Michael W. Godfrey: Supporting the analysis of clones in software systems. Journal of Software Maintenance 18(2): 61-82 (2006)
30EEJennifer Bevan, E. James Whitehead Jr., Sunghun Kim, Michael W. Godfrey: Facilitating software evolution research with kenyon. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2005: 177-186
29EECory Kapser, Michael W. Godfrey: Improved Tool Support for the Investigation of Duplication in Software. ICSM 2005: 305-314
28EEAlan Grosskurth, Michael W. Godfrey: A Reference Architecture for Web Browsers. ICSM 2005: 661-664
27EERaihan Al-Ekram, Cory Kapser, Richard C. Holt, Michael W. Godfrey: Cloning by accident: an empirical study of source code cloning across software systems. ISESE 2005: 376-385
26EEDavor Svetinovic, Daniel M. Berry, Michael W. Godfrey: Concept Identification in Object-Oriented Domain Analysis: Why Some Students Just Don't Get It. RE 2005: 189-198
25EEJean-Marie Favre, Michael W. Godfrey, Andreas Winter: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(3): 1-3 (2005)
24EEMichael W. Godfrey, Lijie Zou: Using Origin Analysis to Detect Merging and Splitting of Source Code Entities. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(2): 166-181 (2005)
23EECory Kapser, Michael W. Godfrey: Aiding Comprehension of Cloning Through Categorization. IWPSE 2004: 85-94
22EEJean-Marie Favre, Michael W. Godfrey, Andreas Winter: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 94: 1-5 (2004)
21EETom Mens, Juan F. Ramil, Michael W. Godfrey: Analyzing the Evolution of Large-Scale Software. Journal of Software Maintenance 16(6): 363-365 (2004)
20EEIgor Ivkovic, Michael W. Godfrey: Enhancing Domain-Specific Software Architecture Recovery. IWPC 2003: 266-273
19EELijie Zou, Michael W. Godfrey: Detecting Merging and Splitting using Origin Analysis. WCRE 2003: 146-154
18EEJean-Marie Favre, Michael W. Godfrey, Andreas Winter: First International Workshop on Meta-Models and Schemas for Reverse Engineering - ateM 2003. WCRE 2003: 366-367
17EEQiang Tu, Michael W. Godfrey: An Integrated Approach for Studying Architectural Evolution. IWPC 2002: 127-136
16EEIgor Ivkovic, Michael W. Godfrey: Architecture Recovery of Dynamically Linked Applications: A Case Study. IWPC 2002: 178-186
15EER. Ian Bull, Andrew Trevors, Andrew J. Malton, Michael W. Godfrey: Semantic Grep: Regular Expressions + Relational Abstraction. WCRE 2002: 267-276
14EEQiang Tu, Michael W. Godfrey: The Build-Time Software Architecture View. ICSM 2001: 398-407
13EEMichael W. Godfrey, Qiang Tu: Evolution in Open Source Software: A Case Study. ICSM 2000: 131-142
12EEJohn B. Tran, Michael W. Godfrey, Eric H. S. Lee, Richard C. Holt: Architectural Repair of Open Source Software. IWPC 2000: 48-59
11EEMichael W. Godfrey: Defining, Transforming, and Exchanging High-Level Schemas. WCRE 2000: 290-292
10 Ivan T. Bowman, Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt: Connecting architecture reconstruction frameworks. Information & Software Technology 42(2): 91-102 (2000)
9EEDebra A. Hensgen, Taylor Kidd, David St. John, Matthew C. Schnaidt, Howard Jay Siegel, Tracy D. Braun, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Shoukat Ali, Jong-Kook Kim, Cynthia E. Irvine, Timothy E. Levin, Richard F. Freund, Matt Kussow, Michael W. Godfrey, Alpay Duman, Paul Carff, Shirley Kidd, Viktor K. Prasanna, Prashanth B. Bhat, Ammar H. Alhusaini: An Overview of MSHN: The Management System for Heterogeneous Networks. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1999: 184-198
8EEMichael W. Godfrey, Dan Grossman: JDuck: building a software engineering tool in Java as a CS2 project. SIGCSE 1999: 48-52
7EEMichael W. Godfrey, Tobias Mayr, Praveen Seshadri, Thorsten von Eicken: Secure and Portable Database Extensibility. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 390-401
6EEMichael W. Godfrey: Teaching software engineering to a mixed audience. Information & Software Technology 40(4): 229-232 (1998)
5EESpiros Mancoridis, Richard C. Holt, Michael W. Godfrey: A Program Understanding Environment Based on the ``Star'' Approach to Tool Integration. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 60-65
4EEMichael W. Godfrey: Metamorphic development of a GUI for configuration management. CASCON 1994: 20
3 Michael W. Godfrey, Richard C. Holt, Spiros Mancoridis: Prototyping a Visual Formalism for System Modelling. ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI 1994: 211-224
2EEMichael W. Godfrey: Visual formalisms for configuration management. CASCON 1993: 120-127
1 David A. Penny, Richard C. Holt, Michael W. Godfrey: Formal Specification in Metamorphic Programing. VDM Europe (1) 1991: 11-30

Coauthor Index

1Raihan Al-Ekram [27]
2Ammar H. Alhusaini [9]
3Shoukat Ali [9]
4Paul Anderson [34]
5Daniel M. Berry [26] [35]
6Jennifer Bevan [30]
7Prashanth B. Bhat [9]
8Ivan T. Bowman [10]
9Tracy D. Braun [9]
10R. Ian Bull [15]
11Paul Carff [9]
12Nancy A. Day [35]
13Xinyi Dong [38] [47]
14Alpay Duman [9]
15Thorsten von Eicken [7]
16Jean-Marie Favre [18] [22] [25]
17Juan Fernández-Ramil (Juan F. Ramil) [21]
18Richard F. Freund [9]
19Mark Giesbrecht [36]
20Tudor Gîrba [48]
21Alan Grosskurth [28]
22Dan Grossman [8]
23Ahmed E. Hassan [41] [50]
24Debra A. Hensgen [9]
25Abram Hindle [37] [39] [43] [44] [49]
26Richard C. Holt [1] [3] [5] [10] [12] [27] [37] [39] [43] [44] [49]
27Cynthia E. Irvine [9]
28Igor Ivkovic [16] [20]
29David St. John [9]
30Cory Kapser [23] [27] [29] [31] [33] [34] [42]
31Shirley Kidd [9]
32Taylor Kidd [9]
33Holger M. Kienle [45]
34Jong-Kook Kim [9]
35Sunghun Kim [30] [46]
36Rainer Koschke [34]
37Matt Kussow [9]
38Michele Lanza [46] [50]
39Eric H. S. Lee [12]
40Timothy E. Levin [9]
41Muthucumaru Maheswaran [9]
42Andrew J. Malton [15]
43Spiros Mancoridis [3] [5]
44Tobias Mayr [7]
45Tom Mens [21]
46Leon Moonen [45]
47Hausi A. Müller [45]
48David A. Penny [1]
49Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [9]
50Matthias Rieger [34]
51Fraser P. Ruffell [36]
52Filip Van Rysselberghe [34]
53Matthew C. Schnaidt [9]
54Jason W. A. Selby [36]
55Praveen Seshadri [7]
56Howard Jay Siegel [9]
57Davor Svetinovic [26] [35]
58John B. Tran [12]
59Andrew Trevors [15]
60Qiang Tu [13] [14] [17]
61Mathieu Verbaere [48]
62Peter Weißgerber [34]
63E. James Whitehead Jr. (Jim Whitehead) [30]
64Andreas Winter [18] [22] [25]
65Lijie Zou [19] [24] [32] [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)