2008 |
19 | EE | Thein Than Tun,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Karl Cox,
Zhi Jin:
3rd international workshop on advances and applications of problem frames.
ICSE Companion 2008: 1029-1030 |
18 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Assurance-Driven Design.
ICSEA 2008: 379-388 |
17 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Michael Jackson:
Problem Oriented Software Engineering: Solving the Package Router Control Problem.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(2): 226-241 (2008) |
2007 |
16 | EE | Derek Mannering,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Towards Normal Design for Safety-Critical Systems.
FASE 2007: 398-411 |
15 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Derek Mannering,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Arguing safety with Problem Oriented Software Engineering.
HASE 2007: 23-32 |
14 | EE | Derek Mannering,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Safety Process Improvement with POSE and Alloy.
SAFECOMP 2007: 252-257 |
13 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Michael Jackson:
Problem Oriented Software Engineering: A design-theoretic framework for software engineering.
SEFM 2007: 15-24 |
12 | EE | Mohammed Salifu,
Bashar Nuseibeh,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Thein Than Tun:
Using Problem Descriptions to Represent Variabilities For Context-Aware Applications.
VaMoS 2007: 149-156 |
2006 |
11 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Karl Cox,
Zhi Jin:
2nd international workshop on advances and applications of problem frames.
ICSE 2006: 1030-1031 |
10 | EE | Brendan Quinn,
Leonor Barroca,
Bashar Nuseibeh,
Juan Fernández-Ramil,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Pete Thomas,
Michel Wermelinger:
Learning Software Engineering at a Distance.
IEEE Software 23(6): 36-43 (2006) |
2005 |
9 | EE | Karl Cox,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
A roadmap of problem frames research.
Information & Software Technology 47(14): 891-902 (2005) |
8 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti,
Michael Jackson:
Problem frame semantics for software development.
Software and System Modeling 4(2): 189-198 (2005) |
2004 |
7 | EE | Karl Cox,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
1st International Workshop on Advances and Applications of Problem Frames.
ICSE 2004: 754-755 |
6 | EE | Lucia Rapanotti,
Jon G. Hall,
Michael Jackson,
Bashar Nuseibeh:
Architecture-driven Problem Decomposition.
RE 2004: 80-89 |
5 | EE | Karl Cox,
Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
1st international workshop on advances and applications of problem frames - summary.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-3 (2004) |
2003 |
4 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
A Reference Model for Requirements Engineering.
RE 2003: 181-187 |
2002 |
3 | EE | Lucia Rapanotti,
Canan Tosunoglu Blake,
Robert Griffiths:
eTutorials with voice groupware: real-time conferencing to support computing students at a distance.
ITiCSE 2002: 116-120 |
2 | EE | Jon G. Hall,
Michael Jackson,
Robin C. Laney,
Bashar Nuseibeh,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Relating Software Requirements and Architectures Using Problem Frames.
RE 2002: 137-144 |
2001 |
1 | | Jon G. Hall,
Lucia Rapanotti:
Educational JavaBeans: a Requirements Driven Architecture.
WebNet 2001: 474-479 |