
Anna Puig-Centelles

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3EEAnna Puig-Centelles, Oscar Ripolles, Miguel Chover: Surveying the identification of communities. IJWBC 4(3): 334-347 (2008)
2EEJuan Cespedes, Antonio Fernández, José Luis López-Presa, M. Araceli Lorenzo, Pilar Manzano, Juan Martinez-Romo, Alberto Mozo, Anna Puig-Centelles, Agustín Santos, Christopher Thraves: Performance of scheduling policies in adversarial networks with non synchronized clocks. ISCC 2007: 1071-1078
1EERadu Serban, Anna Puig-Centelles, Annette ten Teije: Incremental guideline formalization with tool support. AIAI 2006: 106-118

Coauthor Index

1Juan Cespedes [2]
2Miguel Chover [3]
3Antonio Fernández [2]
4José Luis López-Presa [2]
5M. Araceli Lorenzo [2]
6Pilar Manzano [2]
7Juan Martinez-Romo [2]
8Alberto Mozo [2]
9Oscar Ripolles [3]
10Agustín Santos [2]
11Radu Serban [1]
12Annette ten Teije [1]
13Christopher Thraves [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)