
Zhun Fan

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18EEJiachuan Wang, Zhun Fan, Janis P. Terpenny, Erik D. Goodman: Cooperative body-brain coevolutionary synthesis of mechatronic systems. AI EDAM 22(3): 219-234 (2008)
17EEZhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, Sofiane Achiche, Erik D. Goodman, Ronald C. Rosenberg: Structured synthesis of MEMS using evolutionary approaches. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 579-589 (2008)
16EEAli Gürcan Özkil, Steen Dawids, Zhun Fan, Torben Sørensen: Design of a robotic automation system for transportation of goods in hospitals. CIRA 2007: 392-397
15EERong Huang, Shurong Tong, Weihua Sheng, Zhun Fan: A Problem Solving Environment for Combinatorial Optimization Based on Parallel Meta-heuristics. CIRA 2007: 432-437
14EESofiane Achiche, Wei Wang, Zhun Fan, Ali Gürcan Özkil, Torben Sørensen, Jiachuan Wang, Erik D. Goodman: Genetically generated double-level fuzzy controller with a fuzzy adjustment strategy. GECCO 2007: 1880-1887
13EEZhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, Min Wen, Erik D. Goodman, Ronald C. Rosenberg: An Evolutionary Approach For Robust Layout Synthesis of MEMS. Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments 2007: 519-542
12EEYantao Shen, Uchechukwu C. Wejinya, Ning Xi, Craig A. Pomeroy, Yonghui Xue, Zhun Fan: Characterization of Living Drosophila Embryos using Micro Robotic Manipulation System. IROS 2006: 568-573
11 Zhun Fan, Mogens Andreasen, Jiachuan Wang, Erik D. Goodman, Lars Hein: Towards an Evolvable Engineering Design Framework for Interactive Computer Design Support of Mechatronic Systems. Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering Design 2006: 182-198
10EEPan Wang, Zhun Fan, Youfeng Li, Feng Shan: Sequential Bayesian Learning for Modular Neural Networks. ISNN (1) 2005: 652-659
9EEJianjun Hu, Erik D. Goodman, Kisung Seo, Zhun Fan, Rondal Rosenberg: The Hierarchical Fair Competition (HFC) Framework for Sustainable Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation 13(2): 241-277 (2005)
8EEJiachuan Wang, Zhun Fan, Janis P. Terpenny, Erik D. Goodman: Knowledge interaction with genetic programming in mechatronic systems design using bond graphs. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 35(2): 172-182 (2005)
7EEKisung Seo, Jianjun Hu, Zhun Fan, Erik D. Goodman, Ronald C. Rosenberg: Hierarchical Breeding Control for Efficient Topology/Parameter Evolution. GECCO (2) 2004: 722-723
6EEJianjun Hu, Kisung Seo, Zhun Fan, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Erik D. Goodman: HEMO: A Sustainable Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization Framework. GECCO 2003: 1029-1040
5EEKisung Seo, Zhun Fan, Jianjun Hu, Erik D. Goodman, Ronald C. Rosenberg: Dense and Switched Modular Primitives for Bond Graph Model Design. GECCO 2003: 1764-1775
4EEZhun Fan, Kisung Seo, Jianjun Hu, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Erik D. Goodman: System-Level Synthesis of MEMS via Genetic Programming and Bond Graphs. GECCO 2003: 2058-2071
3 Zhun Fan, Kisung Seo, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Jianjun Hu, Erik D. Goodman: Exploring Multiple Design Topologies Using Genetic Programming And Bond Graphs. GECCO 2002: 1073-1080
2 Jianjun Hu, Kisung Seo, Shaobo Li, Zhun Fan, Ronald C. Rosenberg, Erik D. Goodman: Structure Fitness Sharing (SFS) For Evolutionary Design By Genetic Programming. GECCO 2002: 780-787
1EEKisung Seo, Jianjun Hu, Zhun Fan, Erik D. Goodman, Ronald C. Rosenberg: Automated design approaches for multi-domain dynamic systems using bond graphs and genetic programming. Int. J. Comput. Syst. Signal 3(1): 55-70 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Sofiane Achiche [14] [17]
2Mogens Andreasen [11]
3Steen Dawids [16]
4Erik D. Goodman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [14] [17] [18]
5Lars Hein [11]
6Jianjun Hu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
7Rong Huang [15]
8Shaobo Li [2]
9Youfeng Li [10]
10Ali Gürcan Özkil [14] [16]
11Craig A. Pomeroy [12]
12Ronald C. Rosenberg [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [13] [17]
13Rondal Rosenberg [9]
14Kisung Seo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
15Feng Shan [10]
16Yantao Shen [12]
17Weihua Sheng [15]
18Torben Sørensen [14] [16]
19Janis P. Terpenny [8] [18]
20Shurong Tong [15]
21Jiachuan Wang [8] [11] [13] [14] [17] [18]
22Pan Wang [10]
23Wei Wang [14]
24Uchechukwu C. Wejinya [12]
25Min Wen [13]
26Ning Xi [12]
27Yonghui Xue [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)